Friday, February 16, 1973
JMT-2016-Zero Days
There are two concerns with this.
1) In the second section, there are two zero days almost back to back.
2) If we can meet Lianne on August 20th, then Lianne can also bring in her daughter who can also carry weight as well.
We decided on moving the zero day from Island pass to someplace after meeting Lianne and before leaving the trail for Mt Williamson.
How we use zero days is up to us as a group, or at least each sub-group with a permit. I would suggest we have three considerations for us of zero days:
1) How do we like the area-do we want to explore
2) Our physical needs-are our bodies falling apart and we can us a rest
3) Weather.
Also as a note: To make us arrive at Onion Valley by noon on August 30th, I may split one of the zero days into two half days.
The schedule for Mammoth's zero day will look something like this:
a) Rosalie, Gladys and Trinity Lakes are all within a mile and a half of each other and have campsites. They are about a half day hike to Red's meadow. We do not want to stop at Johnston Lake-it is a biting fly magnet. Both Rosalie and Gladys are popular stopping places. We have stayed at Trinity, but have not found Wenk's sandy beach area.
b) Should get to Red's Meadow around noon. There is a shuttle to Mammoth where we would need to take the "white Bus" into mammoth proper.
i) There is a forest service campsite at Red's Meadow which costs $22/night
ii) Shuttle costs $7.
iii) I am not finding much on the MAS Bike Shuttle. There is a map which shows it goes from the Village up to the Adventure Center where the Red's Meadow shuttle takes us the rest of the way.
iv) Sonya is finding out about places to stay in Mammoth.
c) Leave Mammoth someplace between 9-10 to return to Red's Meadow.
d) Eat either breakfast or lunch at Red's Meadow
e) Hit the trail around noon.
f) Camp at Deer Creek that night.
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