Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14, 2025 - Go to Montana de Oro


Title: January 14, 2025 - Go to Montana de Oro
Hike Info : DescriptionBackground : Menu : Extra Photo's 

Hike Info:
Type: Car


I got up a few minutes before 7 and had my breakfast. Then got a few odds and ends ready to go. Yesterday I was able to get most of our stuff together with Sherri getting most of the food together. Once I got the car packed, I sort of puttered around until Sherri was ready. 




Our Campsite, #16
We left the house about 10:45 with me driving. But Sherri wanted to stop at Starbucks close to 41 for a coffee. By the time we waited in line, it was about 11:10 before we got on 41. The drive was mostly uneventful. The one thing was someone trying to pass on the other side and was about a second and a half away from hitting us. We got to Paso Robles about 1 and stopped at Margie’s Dinner there-a local chain. 20 years ago Steven introduced us to Maggie's as a place which has good food and hearty portions. It does not seem to have changed. I had a Philly Beef sandwich with a side of fries; Sherri was an egg Benedict with her comment that it was very good.

Then it is off to Montana de Oro. The weather is clear and sunny with a slight breeze. The car says it is 61 degrees. Inside the car it is nice. We get to our campsite at Islay Creek about 2:30. A ranger waves at us and we inspect our campsite.

We have site #16, a site I had picked out due to the proximity to the outhouse. At our age, this is important. But the downside is that I had not seen the actual campsite, except for one photo. Most of the places to pitch a tent are on a slant. Also I am thinking that tonight I will appreciate the cushioning of the Mondo King mattress pad. The ground is very uneven with lumps and divets. Sherri should be OK as I brought her cot and pad, so she will be above all of that.


The sun went down behind the hill close to us about 4pm. It got decidedly cooler then. We had set up the tent by then and got it ready for us.

It is cold outside

Night Sky attempt

Because it was cool, we walked the campground, getting ourselves re-familiarized with it again after being away for about 8 years.I do not recognize the spot which we camped at then, Sherri may have. But the campground does sound quiet. We continue to the front of the area, close to
Spooners Cove. This is the main area of the Park. Here we look out over the Cover, admiring it, then retire to a bench and wait for the sunset.

Almost Full
This happens at about 5. Nice color with trees being silhouetted. We then head back to camp and into the car where it is warmer and more protected from the wind. And now to figure out when we want to go to bed. I suspect it will be sooner than later. In the meantime, I will be reading The Challenge of Acts by NT Wright and a bit of my Book Group’s book Down on the Corner by Cary Baker. I got into my sleeping bag at 9:30 while Sherri came in a few minutes later. I noticed a clicking sound from the wind and had Sherri check the poles on the tent. I had not put some of the clips onto a pole. Sherri remedied that and came to bed. Once I got my bag warmed up, it was OK and I went to sleep.




Margie’s Dinner, Paso Robles. When our son was in San Luis Obispo, he introduced us to Maggie’s Dinner as a place which had good food and large helpings. That has not changed. I had a Philly Beef sandwich for lunch and my wife had an Eggs Benedict. Both were good, not the greatest, but very satisfying.

 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Home Margie Dinner    

Extra Photo's

Dusk from our campsite

Setting sun

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