Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20, 2012, McGee Lake to Waterwheel Falls

Title: June 20, 2012, McGee Lake to Waterwheel Falls
Trail head: McGee Lake
Hike Info:
Trail: Waterwheel Falls
Destination: Waterwheel Falls
Actual Destination: Top of Waterwheel Falls
Distance: 9.5 miles
Travel Time: 8:00
Elevation Rise: 1,500'
Maximum Elevation: 8,100'
Lost the GPS Track

I woke up at 6:15 and do something unusual. I lay in bed reading, and enjoying the restful time. I read 1 John. After an hour, Sherri gets up before—another first. Oatmeal for breakfast—more mossying around camp. Then off on a day hike to Waterwheel Falls.

At 9:30, we take off on the Tour de Falls. And what a tour it is! First, we see more of the White Cascade than we did last night. It is even more spectacular than what we saw. We cross another footbridge and come to the junction of the PCT, Glen Aulin and the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne trails. It is 3.3 miles to the top of Waterwheel Falls and a drop of 1,200' from this junction. But what a glorious drop. We first see Cataract Falls. This is a small one, but it is nice, with a lot of water flowing.

We then hit a flat area for the next mile and a half. Marmot, Jays, Crows, Woodpeckers, butterflies, all inhabit this area. Sherri is carrying the pack down. We get to the top of the next drop and we see the long cataract of water flowing down. Slick rock—probably over a ¼ mile in length. And as you travel down California Falls, you get the feeling of power and largeness. We eat lunch at the base of this falls, enjoying seeing the water rush by.

Quickly the water slows downs and widens into some pools. The next set of cascades do not have a name, but they should. But I guess if you have that much falling water, not everything can have a name. We walk on enjoying the wonder.

The third set of falls, and they are sets. They do not have straight drops but cascade down or slide. LeConte Falls has ruffles. So as the water slides down, it is forced back up into the air, creating these large waves. We are fascinated for the longest time.

At the bottom of these falls, we hit a bit of flat ground for a little ways. It is fascinating that above each fall there is a place of calm waters. And then it goes over the side. For as much as I have been looking forward to Waterwheel Falls, these are a bit of a disappointment. Especially after what we have seen today. These are not up to expectations—still they are wondrous.

We do not go very far down. We decide that as it is 1:30 and we need to head back up the 1,400' drop we just walked down. We have a second look at Waterwheel Falls, then start up. It is hot and a good climb. But then, there are many stopping points, both to rest and gawk. Going up has its own unique eye-candy. For example, when we reach the top of Cataract Falls, for the first time we can appreciate the White Cascade. It is a lot more appealing. Then when we have seen it before. Reminds you of a miniature Nevada and Vernal Falls.

We get back to camp before 5:30. Tired, but good with what we saw today. Dinner is black bean mix. At 7, Sherri hits the bed and I follow after climbing up a 100' and enjoying the view of the sun reflecting on the mountains. 7:30 and I am in bed with Dracula.

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