Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013 - Edison Lake

Title: July 4, 2013 - Edison Lake

Hike Info:
Starting location: .75 miles below Pocket  Meadow
Destination:  Edison Lake, Vermillion Valley Resort  
Distance:    3.71 miles
Start Time:  7:12
End Time:    9:04
Travel Time: 1:52 (1.99 mph)
Moving Time: 1:49(2.04 mph)
Elevation Rise:    121'
Maximum Elevation:  8,683'

First thing this morning after getting out of bed, and on my way to do my business, met a guy trail named Trail90. He was saying he was walking this segment of the PCT because he had taken a class in stone cutting which helped build the trail which we came down. Not sure I would advertize that fact, but he seemed pretty proud of that accomplishment. Amazing what you run into.

Sherri on the rocks
From our camp last night, it should be a short walk, maybe 3-4 miles down to the dock to pick up the ferry to VVR. So we eat a few bites, but not our oatmeal breakfast. Then we take off. The trail leads us in a descent through a couple of shelves. At the junction to go up Mono Creek, we meet Ivan, who takes a picture with us. Then, it is down the trail some more. Around Quail Meadow, we come across a fellow JMTer, a person who completed the PCT a couple do years ago. Her trail name is Free Range. We see her off and on again at VVR.

Edison Lake, down a lot
With the drought, the ferry pick up place is 3/4 of a mile down the lake bed. It reminds me of walking in one of those desert scenes, with the sun beating on your back and the hero dying. But we make it down in time to catch the 9:00 ferry.  Noble and Hannah ask us to see if Mike and Gene are at VVR. We will see more of them along the way.

Bill comes with the boat-they are running smaller boats because of the lack of water depth. Relaxing mode of transportation across the lake. Our other companion on this trip across the lake is Federico, from Mexico City. After checking in and establishing a tab, we all sit down for breakfast. Sherri and I divide a large, a very large, breakfast burrito.  A good way to break us in.

Nicole finds us and has us go room three, where Fritz and Ethel are lodging. Nicole will be leaving at 4 to go across the lake and restart her trip.  We lounge around most of the day. We do take showers and Sherri gets our clothes washed. The main thing we do is open our restock canister and get them into the bear canisters. We see Nicole off, then have dinner with Fritz and Ethel.

Most of the talk is about the trail. But it is interesting to hear Ethel's background, coming over to the Episcopalian Church after being raised a Mennonite. After dinner, we talk with the ladies next door, who are impressed we are doing the JMT. One of them is Judy T from Fresno. Turns out we have hiked with her before in our meetup group. She has done hikes with John and Cathey. We are inside by 9:30. I have gotten my iPad charged using Fritz' MacBook ports. Then it is off to sleep.

Today's JMT Lesson: The heavier the pack, the less enjoyment there is.

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