Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013 - Kaweah Oaks Preserve

1926 Map-look at red lower map

Title: December 4, 2013 - Kaweah Oaks Preserve
Trail head: Parking Lot of Kaweah Oaks Preserve
Hike Info:
Trail: Sycamore, Swamp, Wildrose, Grape Trails
Distance:  4.09 miles
Travel Time: 3:12 (1.28 mph)
Moving Time: 1:57 (2.10mph)
Elevation Rise:  214'
Maximum Elevation:  396'

1993 Map

It's another mid-week hike and it is cold, the coldest day of our winter so far. But that is not saying too much as we are just at the beginning of the cold's hike takes place a little east of Visalia, close Exeter, at a place called Kaweah Oaks Preserve. It is an area which is like it was before Europeans came to the Valley.  There are four short trails we will be walking on today. All of the trails are essentially flat. But our group is built for enjoyment, not speed, so we spend a lot of time strolling, enjoying the sights. There are several geo-caching sites on the property.

The first is the Sycramore trail. This is loop to the north of the parking lot. It takes a road to the west, past a couple of portable outhouses. Then we take a right at a corral and walk along a fence. This look, as would be appropriate for its name, takes us past several sycramore trees. While the colors are slightly past their prime, there are still reds and yellows to admire.  One tree has fallen and sprouted new trees from its limbs which are vertical. We come across a wire fence which still has the cold dew drops on it, catching the morning light.

Being a dry year which not much rain so far, the next trail is sort of mis-named, "The Swamp". It heads out west from the corral, amongst a creek or canal bottom. I suppose when there is mosture, we would have mud on our boots. But today, it is more of just  leaves on the group, which some gentle rays of the sun, filtering through the trees, starting to provide some warmth.

The next two trails are each under half a mile, the Wild Rose and The Grape.  Wild grape vines  have managed to climb high into the trees, creating these alcoves of shelter. Several people remarked that it would be perfect for children of all ages to play in. I agree.

With the mountains of the Sierra's so close, we did get some enjoyable sights of them before heading back home. A lot of people stopped at Bravo Farms on the way home for lunch. But my card did a bee-line for for starting place at Kohl's. A good and pleasant day. Not strenuous by any imagination. But glad we came.


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