Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23, 2014 - South Shore Trail

Title: February 23, 2014 - South Shore Trail
Trail head: Bay Oak Parking Lot
Hike Info:
Type:  Hiking
Trail:  South Shore Trail
Destination: Winchell Cove
Distance:  6.81 miles1
Start Time: 12:16
End Time:  3:17
Travel Time: 3:01 (2.26 mph)
Moving Time: 2:24 (2.84 mph)
Elevation Rise: 626'
Maximum Elevation: 611'

Friant Dam and low water
This is an unmeetup hike. Jerry J is doing an alternative, unofficial hike with people who just want to meet informally. Today's hike is at Millerton, the South Shore Trail. We have done this several times before and have enjoyed it each time.

We meet the Temperance Park and Ride at 11:30, then take off to Millerton State Park. There are seven of us, including Sonny, a six month old grandson of Jerry J. The others are Pacifica-Jerry's daughter, Liz, Keith, Jerry J, Sherri and myself. The cars get parked at the Bay Oak Parking Area, and we start out.

Looking eastward to what is left of the lake
The first mile and a half follows the road, just along the park's property line. It is warm, enough to have some sweat trickling down my neck. The lake is really low with the drought.but boats still tow some skiers-and this is February. There are some large houses which is by the boundary. A few dogs are protective of their owner's properties, some barking, some guarding. But we move along at a nice pace.

Hikers on trail
Many of our group are working on getting their hiking legs going. So we have a nice and relaxed pace. Just past the end of the road, we see a couple of large birds, maybe they are eagles. Before I can get a good look, they wheel-off on some hot air current and go back to the top of the hill and beyond, where they are just specks in the sky. Always good to see these large birds, so graceful.

Pacifica, Sonny, and Jerry J
We get to an overlook of Winchell Cove, maybe about an eighth of a mile from the restroom at the end of the trail. The group decides this is the end of the line for us. I go and confirm the distance. So we then have lunch. The group heads back, but Sherri and I go on to the outhouse. From there we play catchup for the three plus miles back to the car. We come in just as the group arrives. It felt good to stretch the legs a bit.

Nice little flower

The after hike eating place was Sandals in Friant. Sherri and I had Fresno State ice cream-good choice.

We have hiked this trail before. To see our hikes, take a look at these entries:

1The mileage, time and speed are what I did, not necessarily what the group did. I traveled about a half mile more than the group. Also several times I stopped and took pictures or admired a bird in flight and would walk fast to catch up with the group.

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