Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4, 2017 - Wawona Meadow

Title: April 4, 2017 - Wawona Meadow
Hike Info : DescriptionAnimals : Flowers and Plants
 Trail head:Wawona Parking Lot
Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail: Wawona Meadow Loop
Destination: Loop


This was just a quick trip up to Wawona Meadow in the afternoon. Nothing planned.  After passing Oakhurst, we had a stop for a while because of dead tree removal. We got up to the Wawona parking lot a little before 4 and started our trip around the meadow.
This is definitely not a hard hike. We just want to get out and walk a ways in the woods.  So we cross the golf course and reach the west side of the loop and start in. The shadows are lengthening, but the steps are slow. There are little streams of water following from normally dry rivlets.   Our conversation is sparse, but enjoyable. 

Small Creek Crossing
I ponder at a few places, do we want to take a little but harder trail? Neither one of us is up to it. So when we reach the far end of the loop, we just continue to come back around. A few places we cross a wide stretch of water. I hop across on small rocks, Sherri takes her chances on a few sticks. Alond the dirt road-not used-there are animal tracks in the mud. At least a coyote track and then something which looks smaller.

Wawona Meadow
As we come close to the end of the loop, we see a herd of deer. Also what looks like an early blooming red bud tree next to a fresh set of fencing.
Once back at the car, we head back towards Fresno. in Oakhurst we stop at Alice’s. Prices are going up, portions a bit smaller-probably more reasonable sizes, taste not as good-or am I getting older? Then it is back to Fresno.


Herd of Deer
Flowers and Plants

Red Bud

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