Friday, January 1, 2021

January 1, 2021 - Woodward Winter Trail


Title: January 1, 2021 - Woodward Winter Trail
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Animals 
Hike Info:
Type: Snowshoeing
Trail: Woodward Winter Trail-Road 14S28?
Destination: None
Actual Destination:  Going up road 14S18B
Distance:  2.90 miles
Start Time: 12:17
End Time:     3:45

Travel Time:  3:27 (0.84 mph)
Moving Time: 2:31  (1.15 mph)
Elevation Rise:  417'
Descent: 263‘
Maximum Elevation: 7,294'
GPS Tracks


It is the first day of a new year. I will not make any predictions about it being a better year, or even a worse year. Just one which I will do my best to live in. But having said that, it is time for us to go up to the snow and play.

Start of trail 14S18
I get up around 7am. But we do not get ready to leave Fresno until at least 10:30. It is Steven, Sherri, Korra and myself who are going. Weather is clear and good. Not necessarily warm. We stop a couple of times to let Korra out for a walk-preventive measure for car sickness. When we got to the Big Stump entrance, there was a long line to enter the park. Being old, with a pass, is an advantage as they wave us through. Several places we pass by have large numbers of vehicles in their parking places: Big Stump and Quail Flat. Big Meadows has a “normal” amount of cars.

Steven and Korra


Korra, the Snow Dog

Fortunately we are going on to a trailhead called Woodward Winter Trailhead. It is only a mile or so further on the General’s Highway, past Montecito Lodge. Only one other vehicle is parked there. Two more pull up as we get ready to hit the snow.

Lunch Time Rest
 Looks like about a foot to foot and half of snow covering the road. This is road 14S18 on forest service identification. At the start, the snow is a bit choppy-but that is to be expected. After about 150’ there is only one real set of tracks. We meet a family from Bakersfield and talk with them for a few minutes. They will be the last people we see until we return.

After about 10 minutes, we come to a fork in the road. Either way is good. But we stick with the main road, with unbroken snow. This way is a snowmobile route, so I suspect if we see tracks or a trailer in the parking lot, it is not the way to go. The snow is not deep. Steven is on skis while Sherri and I are on snowshoes. Korra, well, Korra is on her feet, frolicing like a snow dog she is.

Sun, Sky, and Trees
We go along, just enjoying the day. This is a “journey” trip. It is made to enjoy doing what you are doing not in achieving some goal. Well, maybe the goal is just being there to enjoy the snow. The road goes down about 250’, not steeply, but enough that we know we will be going back up it.

At a bend in the road, there is a patch we can see across Woodward Creek and on to the Alta Peak area. Also there is a nice log without snow on it in the sun. Looking towards the southwest we can see Chimney Rock, I think. Lunch Time! We just enjoy the sun and the view. Korra does what Korra does, frolick!

We have gone about .8 of a mile. I think we can go about that far before turning around, probably to a junction on the map. When we return to the road, there is a junction within about 100’ of our spot? Is this it? The road is labeled 14S18B. That seems awfully close. But we take it-it goes uphill. So at least coming back we will be coming down.

So up we go-still no tracks, but isn’t that what we expected and wanted? We lose our vista but there is the enjoyment of travel on something untouched. We even get to see what looks like Christmas trees.

Korra  still being frisky after completing the walk

About ten minutes before we were going to turn around, Korra finds an interesting scent and runs off to track it down. I wonder if it is a rabbit track I have come across? She does not respond to any of us calling her back, so Sherri goes off to try to find her. When Korra was good and ready, she came back.

By this time, it is time to turn back. We retrace our steps. I cannot say there was much excitement. Just the usual awe of being out and enjoying the time. I will say that on that ¾ of a mile walk back up the hill to get to the car, I was happy to round a corner and see the forest service gate ahead. It has been awhile since I have been on snowshoes. Last year we did not get a chance to go up-between the lack of snow and COVID restrictions. So even though I lacked the umph, I enjoyed being out.

We got off around 4pm. There is another trailhead I wanted to check out another mile down. It is where some of the summer camps are. Looks like a possibility of when other places are not available or are crowded. Gotta keep finding these places. By the time we get back to Fresno, it is about 5:30. We have some of Sherri’s white chicken enchilada and then watched Jeopardy. By the time 10pm came along, I was closing my eyes. A good day.

Extra Photo's

Sherri at the start

Gary and Steven going up the road

Korra in the trees

Korra and Steven


Buck Brush in Winter

Christmas Like


Dead Bent Tree

Chimney Rock


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