Sunday, February 14, 2021

February 14, 2021 - Rabbit Meadow Snowshoe


Title: February 14, 2021 - Rabbit Meadow Snowshoe
Hike Info : DescriptionExtra Photo's 

Hike Info:
Type: Snowshoeing
Trail: Rabbit Meadow Loop
Destination:  Rabbit Meadow Loop
Distance:  2.80 miles
Start Time: 12:48
End Time:  3:45   
Travel Time: 2;57  (0.95 mph)
Moving Time: 2:19  (1.21 mph)
Elevation Rise: 393'
Descent: 313‘
Maximum Elevation: 7,794'
GPS Tracks

Andrea, Rachel and Edrees have come over this weekend to celebrate a belated Christmas-Lawrence had to work. They came last night and we enjoyed dinner and games with them outside. It is good to see them. A concern is that CalTrans has a notice that chains are required a few miles before Lake Sequoia. If it is that bad, we probably will not go up.

This morning we are slow getting up. Even in Fresno, it is cold. With a little bit of sun, it might make the trip up better. CalTrans no longer has the message about chains. We have oatmeal for breakfast. It is cold outside where we are eating together. By the time we get packed up it is 10:40. But the road up is pretty clear. Korra did not get car sick! Maybe Steven’s ginger biscuits did the trick.

Korra with Redwood Mountain

There is a line to get into Kings Canyon NP-not a good sign being able to spend time alone with our family. Andrea gets her annual pass. The plan was to wait at Big Stump, but that was all crowded. Then onward to the Wye to wait for Andrea, Rachel and Edrees, but the turn out is full there as well. We finally found a turnout about a mile later. When we got to Quail Flat, that is full as well. So onward to Big Meadows. While the parking area has a good amount of vehicles, we are able to park.

Rachel and Edrees have not snowshoed before-they have rented some MSR’s from REI. Rachel’s is missing a strap, so I spend a little time creating a tie from paracord. Occasionally I feel like MacGiver, but not too often. After a little while, we are all set to go. Andrea and Steven are on skis. Sherri, Rachel, Edrees and myself are snowshoeing. Korra has the advantage of four feet and boundless energy.

Andrea passing Snowshoers

We go up the Big Meadow Road. It has been packed down from the recent snows. These snows have been pretty light, about 3” at
Grant Grove and I would say less than 6” here. We make it to the junction with the Rabbit Meadow Loop. Steven and Andrea are waiting for us there. We have lunch by the dumpsters. Another family has taken our spot.

When the other family leaves, they ask us a few questions about where Big Meadows and Rabbit Meadow are, which we answer. Apparently the father has had enough for today and is going back. But the mother and daughter is going on up the Rabbit Meadow loop-the way we are going.

This is the same loop we did last weekend. Even though the snowshoers take off first, with Korra, Andrea and Steven quickly catches up with us and passes us by-this is to be expected, We settle down into a good rhythm. The snowshoers tracks and skiers have merged into one track, so we walk over the skier tracks. But pretty soon they separate so we follow proper etiquette and keep out of the skier’s tracks as much as possible.

A mother and father come down the trail with children in sleds. This is heartening to see as I am pretty sure bringing our children out when they were young has them wanting to be with us on days like today. When you do, you will reap rewards.

A few minutes later the mother and daughter from our lunch time encounter come back down the trail. We stop and talk with them for a while. The mother asks about hiking groups, I give them my card. In talking with the daughter-she has on a Fresno Pacific shirt, I asked if she has had Dr Kunz as a teacher-yes! Very excited about him. It will be interesting if we meet up with either one of them again.

We go a short way further. Last week I went on an unsuccessful adventure to look for a good view from the top of a ridge. Well I spot another place on the same ridge. So I go up it. Rachel and Edrees follow me while Sherri follows the trail. We get to the top and while there are no grand vistas, we do see snippets of places, we play peek-a-boo with places. Such as we see where Park Ridge LO would be, or the top of Buena Vista Peak. We can also see across the Kings to the Monarch Divide area. Korra bounds out of nowhere-I wonder if she knew we were up here. She accompanies us for a while and then returns to Steven. We follow the ridge-easy walking-until we get to the place where I came up last week. We go down that and back to the trail.
Gary, Rachel and Edrees

It is now following the same trail as what we did last week around the east side of Rabbit Meadow. We soon come upon Sherri. I am definitely doing better this week than last week. We do pretty well as we go along. But there is a change in our environment. The skies had some blue and white of clouds. When we got into sunlight, it was pretty comfortable just to relax. But as the afternoon progressed, clouds came in, blocking the sun. This made it worthwhile for us to continue moving.

Clouds coming in while on the trail





Once we hit the Big Meadow Road, it is downhill to go back. We look around and no Andrea, Steve or Korra. So we start back. Pretty soon Korra comes dragging Steven-him on his skis. She is straining about, but obviously enjoying herself. We talk for a few and then Andrea comes up. They go on ahead while the snowshoers continue to plod on. Sherri and I spot some icicles and stop to observe and take pictures. This gives Edrees and Rachel a chance to come in before the old folks. The views we had earlier? Nothing but gray clouds now. It looks like my remedy for Rachel’s snowshoe held up.

Rachel and Edrees
We get back to the car about 4pm. After getting packed, we are on our way back. We do stop at the Kings Canyon Overlook. Just a majestic view. Glad we stopped-the clouds had parted, I think just for us and we were able to see across the Canyon. Once we started up again, we descended into the grayness of the clouds. Headlights are on. We will be in the clouds for over 1,000 vertical feet, until after leaving the Park. Besides following an insecure person, nothing eventful on the way down. Andrea, Rachel and Edrees stop at Chicago Pizza with a Twist to pick up our dinner.








Extra Photo's

Redwood Mountain in the clouds

Christmas setting in February

More clouds covering Redwood Mountain


Edrees, Rachel and Sherri

Andrea hanging in there

Rachel and Edrees

Rabbit Meadow Trail

All of us

Rachel and Edrees





Across the Kings River from the Kings Canyon Overlook

The Obelisk from the Kings Canyon Overlook

The Obelisk from the Kings Canyon Overlook

Rachel, Andrea, Steven

Gary and Sherri

Korra, Dog-Gone Tired

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