Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 21, 2023 - Pincushion


Title:  November 21, 2023 - Pincushion
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Animals

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: Finegold Area 

Trail:  San Joaquin River Trail, Pincushion Trail

Destination:  Pincushion

Actual Destination: Above a hundred yards from the top and 150 feet below.

Distance:  2.62 miles

Start Time: 11:43

End Time:    2:58

Travel Time: 3:15  (0.81 mph)

Moving Time:  2:21  (1.12 mph)

Elevation Rise:  1,045'

Descent: 1033‘

Maximum Elevation: 1.492'

GPS Tracks


Sherri on path, climbing
What are we going to do today? Confession: I slept past 7 this morning. It was not until Sherri was getting her breakfast ready did we agree upon a hike: Pincushion. Pincushion is a local peak near Millerton Lake.

Sherri and I started from our house a little after 10. Table Mountain Casino has expanded since the last time I was here-I had a bit of trouble finding the right road to go up. So it took me a few tries to find Sky Harbor. Even with the detour, we got to the Finegold area of Millerton State Park by 11:15. The gate was closed-we would not be going in anyway as we have not bought a pass. But we did find a place to park on Sky Harbor.





Yes, it was that steep

By the time we started walking it was 11:45. It was less than a quarter mile into the trailhead and outhouse. The trail starts off by going up a pretty good slope. Having been on this trail several times, this is not unexpected. Sherri is keeping up a steady pace; I am doing OK, but I can tell that we are ascending. After traveling ¾ of a mile, Sherri comes across three people who wonder how much further it is to Pincushion? We say they are about a third of the way there, but the majority of the climb is ahead. This suitably discourages them.

50 yards further, the trail to Pincushion splits off of the San Joaquin River Trail. Actually, the real trail is about a quarter mile further, but this is the one commonly used. Now the climb really starts. The trail is badly rutted. It is wide, so it is possible to avoid the worst of the issues. No matter how you work it, this is steep-overall about a thousand feet in just a bit over a mile.

Gary having climbed up rocks

As we work our way up the slope, it just gets steeper. It is not because my legs and lungs are getting a workout that I think this, but just looking up the trail, it is steeper! But taking it one step at a time gets us up the hill.

There is a shelf about 150’ below the top of Pincushion. This is a bit of a rocky area which we climb up. I feel a bit uncertain about going to the top-maybe it is old age, a bit of arthritis, or just the legs feel out of shape. Whatever it is, I am content with stopping on this shelf and looking out over the area. I do not think it took too much to convince Sherri to stay here either.

From the log we are sitting on, we can see Spanish Mountain, Mt Brewer, Mitchell Peak and a whole bunch of other mountains we can see from our lookouts. Always interesting getting a different perspective. We also have lunch here while we enjoy the sight and sun. It has been a perfect day weather-wise. Sherri gets a call from Verizon-Rachel is trying to add a connection to the account and Verizon needs Sherri’s permission, which is given.

Peaks seen from Pincushion from the PeakFinder application



Sherri descending
And now we start back down. I think that old thing makes me more conscious that if I fall, I will break something and it will take a long while to mend. So I pick my way down carefully-even dragging my rear on occasion. Once we get down so we can walk, it is just a long steep downhill where we pick our route carefully-remember the old remark.

Not much is different on the return trip, except it is a lot easier on the lungs. We made it back to the car by 3:00pm. It has been a good hike, even if it has left me a bit rubber legged. It is one which I need to do to rebuild strength.

One thing I do when we get back home is to look up getting a State Park Pass for Seniors and 2024. Looks like I can apply only after Thanksgiving. Time to put that on the calendar.

Extra Photo's


Tree and Sun Glow

Sherri coming down rocky section

Spanish Mountain

Scene from Pincushion


West Coast Lady

Ant Hole

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