Monday, July 1, 2024

July 1, 2024 - Return to Fresno


 Title: July 1, 2024 - Return to Fresno

Hike Info:
Type: Car


I started off by sleeping well last night. That is until 3:30 when I woke up and started thinking about today and the trip back to Fresno. I finally fell asleep around 4:30, but then woke up at my normal time of 5:45. I polled to see if there was any lightning in my area of reporting-none, and I am glad as there is enough going on with the Basin Fire.

There were a few more things to pack before breakfast. By 6:25, my mouth was full of granola. Steven and Sherri got up and had more stuff for me to load into the car. It is a lot less packed than when we came over, but not by a whole bunch. We can even see out the back window.

By 7:00, which is our planned leaving time, we are saying our goodbyes. As I have said many times, it is good that our kids want us to be with them. In particular, we had an enjoyable time with Andrea and Lawrence these past four days. I think this may be about the right amount of time, unless we have something planned. I much prefer to leave knowing that we are wanted back again.

Steven starts off driving. My plan, like when we came up, is have Steven and I drive for about an hour and half to two hours before switching off. So I will be driving into Medford.

So I thought. Sherri surprised me by driving from Seven Feathers to Medford. We fill up with gas at Costco and start off again with me driving. Still nothing of interest to report, only the road. When we hit Dunsmuir, we stop for lunch at Yaks. Sherri and I went here last year based upon Andrea’s recommendation and was impressed by the size of their burgers, as well as the quality. Sherri thinks this is one of the top five burgers she has had. Knowing we cannot handle that size again, we order a couple sliders and fries while Steven orders a full burger. I barely finished mine while Steven and Sherri have an offering for Korra. We all had fries leftover.

Steven is driving. Dunsmuir is the last which we will see of pleasant temperatures for the next ten days. When we get to Redding, it is over 100 degrees. Before reaching Sacramento, we stop at the Elkhorn rest stop for a much needed stretch. Steven continues to drive us to El Grove’s Costco where we switch drivers again. Besides a burning bush in the center divide, there is not much to say about my dive down Highway 99. In Turlock’s rest stop, we switch drivers again. Steven takes us home, arriving about 7:30.

We unpack and rest. Steven goes to Costco to fetch some supplies for the next couple of days. Then it is to bed at 10. A good trip. But tiring.

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