Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5, 2024 - Princess Campground


Title: September 5, 2024 - Princess Campground

Hike Info:
Type:   Car: Camping

Today we will start our five day, four night camping trip. But we still need to get ready and packed. How long will this take? I am hoping to be packed by noon, have an early dinner and be off by 2. Will things go according to plan? We will see.

I get up at 5:40. No lightning to report, but I let my audience know that I will be gone the next four mornings and they are on their own until I get back. Becca from Stanislaus NF shows appreciation for letting them know. And Buck Rock thinks we already have had a wonderful summer.

I ate my breakfast and gathered a bit more stuff. Since nobody else is up, I go for a one lap walk. Along the way, I get called over by Hillary and the Audibon lady. We talk for at least 20 minutes and then I go on. It is getting a little bit warm by the time I finish up/ Sherri is up, but not working on the food yet. So I went out and weeded for awhile-and it is needed.

 Now we start getting serious about packing. The non-food stuff is about 85% done, but there are some odds and ends. So I help Sherri with the food. At noon, I have a sandwich before gathering up the rest of the stuff. By the time we are finished packing it is about 3. So it is time to get dinner. We decided to eat Mexican at Casa Quintero. Very filling.

After finishing up our dinner, we come back and we stuff the last of the stuff into the car. We managed to leave at 4:15 with me driving. Sherri, Steve, Korra and myself are the folks on our trip. The drive is uneventful. We get to
Princess campground about 5:45.

We are at site #4. I think this is the one we had a couple of years ago. It is a comfortable place. Looks like the campground is half vacant. Steven puts up his hammock and we our tent. With the Exped blower, the Mondo King mattresses are really easy to get blowing up. Much easier than using the schnozzel for an hour to get it satisfactory.

Once set up, we lounge around for awhile. The evening is coming along fast. Sherri suggests we go for a walk, so we walk a couple of loops before going to be. Bed time is at 8:45. I lie in bed for awhile, reading and just enjoying being out.

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