Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014 - Redwood Canyon via Sugar Bowl Grove

Title: April 14, 2014 - Redwood Canyon via Sugar Bowl Grove
Trail head: Redwood Saddle
Hike Info:
Type:  Backpacking
Trail:  Sugar Bowl Grove Trail
Destination: Redwood Canyon
Distance: 5.24 miles
Start Time:  11:31
End Time:     3:41
Travel Time: 4:09 (1.26  mph)
Moving Time: 2:27 (2.14 mph)
Elevation Rise: 962'
Maximum Elevation: 6,928'
Despite starting close to when we wanted to start, we are getting a late start of 11:30. Jerry J, Steven, Sherri and I left Fresno a little after 8:30. We were merrily going along until Sherri says, were we stopping at Subway? So off we go to Reedley to find a Subway for our lunch and dinner. We then head out Hill Valley Road to meet Highway 180 close to Squaw Valley.picked up the Wilderness Permit at Grant Grove went to the trail head at a Redwood Saddle.
Sherri, Gary, Steven and Jerry at start
But we are not finish with our slow start. We were putting on our packs when Sherri reached into her pocket and pull out a goob of lotion. The lid has come off her sunscreen messing up her pocket, her inhaler an other stuff. But we got things mostly cleaned up and we are ready to start.
Today we will go up towards the Sugar Bowl Grove and then drop into the canyon. The first two miles we ascend up what I think is Redwood Mountain but I cannot find that name on the map. But we go up about 800' from the car during this climb. It is good looking across the canyon to see Buena Vista Peak and Big Baldy. There are some vistas, but you when you do get a chance to see, it is worthwhile stopping to gawk and catch ones breath. 
Walking in the redwoods
Around the two mile mark we start coming down. But we first stop for lunch, with a view and enjoy those Subway sandwiches. Not only do we get to enjoy the view, but we are surrounded by Sequoias. Sugar Bowl Grove is reported to have 50+ sequoias in the groves acre. Then we start our 1500' descent. Our pace makes a noticeable improvement. I lag behind, pondering the redwoods I see below, as well as taking some pictures. When I do lag behind, I easily catch up, which makes me feel good. 
Results of controlled burn

The tops of the sequoias always invoke a sense of being a crown on the king of the forest. We go down as these majestic trees ascend. These trees which were here long before I came will be here after I leave.

Big Baldy

Edge of Sugar Bowl Grove

Jerry contemplating the view

Once down to the canyon floor, it is a short distance to the Hart Tree Trail junction and the area where we will camp. There is a nice place there, but it is right on the trail and bit too much traffic for my tastes. So I scout out places, but do not see anyplace obvious. So I go down the canyon, maybe an eighth of a mile and find a good place, maybe not as nice as the first one, but still good. So we camp there.we have our tent; Steven his hammock; and Jerry his new tent. His tent looks ok and should keep him warm tonight.
Tops of trees
We lounge around camp, enjoying the sunlight and the warmth. Jerry, Sherri and I go for a small wander about, visiting the Sequoia's. It is much different than the more popular groves. Here you can come and touch these long-last trees. I do not think Tolkein thought of these trees with his Ents, but they are what I think Ents would look like.
We come back and have the rest of our Subway sandwich and play games-Hearts and Clubs. Then with the light fading and the coolness creeping we decide it is a night. Jerry J did pretty well today. I think he knew he had more than a day pack on, but looked like he enjoyed himself.

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