Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21, 2018 - Hite Cove

Title: February 21, 2018 - Hite Cove
Hike Info : Description : Trail Lessons : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants
Trail head: Savage Trading Post
Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail: Hie Cove
Destination: Hite Cove
Actual Destination: About 3 miles in, a mile short
Distance:  6.30 miles
Start Time: 9:50
End Time:   2:29
Travel Time:  4:39 (1.31 mph)
Moving Time:  3:43 (1.69 mph)
Elevation Rise:  1,495'
Descent: 1,436‘
Maximum Elevation: 1,798'

Meetup on the go
If you have been a faithful reader of this blog, you know that over the past two months, I have moaned and complained that I have not gotten my strength back from last summer. But lately, things are getting better. But I did miss a hike a week ago because I was starting to come down with the flu. Sherri has been battling the flu for two weeks now. So the question for today is, how much has the flu weakened us?
This is a meetup hike, so we meet in Fresno and take off from there. Seeing as Sherri and I are still coughing, but not as much lately, we will drive separately. Also this gives us a route of escape if we need to cut the hike short. The sixteen of us meet up with Jim in Mariposa at the Burger King there. Then it is onward to The Savage Trading Post, or now known as the Redbud Lodge. There is a California Historical marker around there, #527. Which has a lot to do with this hike, as it was Savage’s widow, which one I wonder, who showed Hite where there might be gold.
Merced River

We get to the parking area, across the highway from the Redbud Lodge-do not park in their parking area, around 9:40. And then we hit the trail at 9:50. The first part of the trail is steep. It goes up a driveway, then a path in back of the Lodge. After passing a couple of water tanks, we then go along the hillside, well about the South Fork of the Merced River. The River will be by our side throughout the trip.

Gary on the trail
The Merced is down from its levels of last year. Of course last year was a high rain year-this year is a really low rain year. Still the river is really beautiful. Instead of the white water of last year, there is the slow moving current which allows you to see the blues and greens of the pools. Many places look so refreshing, there is the urge to just dive in. But right now, the water is about a hundred feet below the trail-so we will have to forego that pleasure-fortunately because that water is cold!
I am hiking someplace in the middle of the group. This is somewhat what I am hoping/expecting. Even with a 15-20lbs pack on I think I am doing good. I am trying to keep a little ways away from people, just in case I start coughing. But with this trail and its narrowness, you cannot really step off of it. But I manage to put a bit of area around me. Sometimes it is nice hiking alone, just to enjoy what is around you.
After awhile, Art joins me and we walk for another mile or so, enjoying each other’s company. That early bit of “feel good” walking has worn off of me. The legs are starting to feel more strain. Still walking good, but I wonder for how long. Fortunately there are places to stop and take pictures.

Hikers along the Merced

Our Stopping Point

One disappointing thing is that we are a bit early for the massive flower fields this trail is known for. But when we dip down to the river, there are some rock swirls which have always infatuated me. I stop take some pictures, and then tell Art I will be waiting for Sherri to come along to make sure she is doing OK. As you can tell it is both a concern for her, but also hoping I get a bit more rest for the legs. Besides, the river flowing past is nice.
Gary on the march

Sherri on return trip

South Fork of Merced
Sherri is hiking with Rebecca, Cathey and John. She looks a bit tired, but not ready to turn in yet. After resting for a few minutes, we continue on. Rebecca and Cathey go on at a good pace and I sort of am like an accordian-catching up with them and then slowing down. We keep this up for awhile. The walking is pretty level, but the path is broken. I am realizing that my legs are not going to make it all the way to Hite Cove. When Sherri catches up with us, we have a quick conference and decide we will stop here, at the three mile mark.
We had a relaxed lunch, just the two of us and then we started off back towards the car. Maybe it was the rest, or just the thought that we did not need to walk another mile in, but the legs seem to be able to walk a bit better. Whatever it is, I will take it.
The trail is just the reverse of what we came in with. But because the sun is out, warming the hillside, we are seeing more flowers. Sherri is trying her hand at taking flower shots. Some look pretty good, others, well that is the reason why you practice. We do take more landscape shots as well.

Sherri on the final scramble
When see a house across the river, we know that our walk is almost done. There is still one up we need to do. It is a bit of a scramble of it, but we do it without incident. Now it is just the final downhill-letting gravity do its work and helping me down. We make it down to the car around 2:30-a bit earlier than I thought. After resting a few minutes, then writing a note to John and Cathey, we take off. Sherri is sleeping on our way through Mariposa, so we do not stop to eat. But there was a couple vista points Sherri wanted to see. The first is a bust. The second, we thought was a bust also, but then at a certain location, we can see Miami Mountain. Score! Now it is to Carl’s Jr-we are going high class today-in Oakhurst and back to Fresno. The shower felt real good this night.

Trail Lesson: There are times when you will be the weak link of a group. Just accept it and be thankful for helpful friends.

Extra Photo's
South Fork of Merced

South Fork of Merced
Sun lit Trees

Interesting Rocks
South Fork of Merced

South Fork of Merced

Trail on cliff

Flowers and Plants

California Golden Poppy

California Golden Poppy

Maybe part of Borage Family

Baby Blue Eyes

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