Title: March 7, 2018 - Quail Flat to Weston Meadow
Hike Info : Description : Background : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants
Hike Info:
Type: Snowshoeing
Burton Road, 14S02
Time: 11:38
Time: 2:50
Time: 3:12 (1.08
Time: 2:12 (1.56
Rise: 361'
Descent: 251‘
Elevation: 6,919'
It has SNOWED! Today is our
first opportunity to snowshoe this year. Sherri is all gunho to go
out-not sure how my energy level is, though. But only one way to find
Oh No! What have I gotten into? |
Start of our Trip |
We get our snowshoes on and
are on the trail by about 11:30. Our route goes down a paved Forest
Service road, 14S02, also known as Burton
The slope is a gentle down. The forecast said it would be clear and
sunny, but we see nothing but overcast. Does not look like rain.
Gary gazing out |
Sherri marching on |
There a plaque saying this is
the site of the Kirkland Meadow Plantation. Looks like it was planted
beginning in 2003-lists several donors. Wonder if this is something
to be explored?
Gate to Private Property |
As we round a ridge, we get
our first good look at the ranges across the Kings
There is a bit better look further on down when we cross an unnamed
meadow. Still this is not jaw dropping stuff. But we do start to see
Buck Rock and its lookout. This is really good as we do enjoy
staffing lookouts associated with Buck
Unnamed Meadow and mountains behind it |
Then we come to Weston
road splits the meadow in two. But we thought we would like to follow
a split in the road, but then we got to a gate which said private
property. After talking about it for a few minutes, we decided to
continue to follow our road and find out about the private property
later on. That is when we got to Weston Meadow along the road.
Pleasant place with a nice fence.
Weston Meadow |
Our Route |
Buck Rock Lookout |
Mt Goddard on left in background and Finger Peak to its right |
Snow Snail |
We got back to the car just before 3. I was tired. But a good tired, also a disturbing tired. Disturbing is that I should not have been so tired with so little walking. But the encouraging part is that I am still out doing it and enjoying it. As we traveled down the mountain, we realized how clear the air was. The comment was made, really wish that when we are in the lookout we had air this clear. On the way back to Fresno,we stopped at Bear Mountain Pizza. it is under new owners, but still the same menu. Might be changing up a bit before summer.
Meadow Plantation. Apparently this has to do with restoration of
clear cutting done by a lumber company, and then the replanting.
There is also a project
to thin the forest to restore a more natural balance in the area. As
far as exploring, it looks like it is in more of a conjunction with
the Sequoia groves in the area.
Extra Photo's
Buck Rock Lookout |
Buck Rock Lookout |
Buck Rock Lookout |
Buck Rock Lookout |
Buck Rock Lookout |
Tombstone Ridge |
Young Sequoia at edge of Weston Meadow |
Snow Snails |
Finger Peak |
Obelisk and Tombstone Ridge |
Mt Goddard and Finger Peak |
Flowers and Plants
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