Thursday, March 3, 2022

March 3, 2022 - South Shore Trail


Title: March 3, 2022 - South Shore Trail
Hike Info : DescriptionExtra Photo's : Animals : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: South Shore Parking area

Trail:  South Shore Trail (also called the Winchell Cove Trail and is part of the Blue Oak Trail)

Destination:  Winchell Cove

Distance: 3.40 miles

Start Time: 3:01

End Time:  5:15

Travel Time:  2:14 (1.52 mph)

Moving Time:  1:43  (1.98 mph)

Elevation Rise: 351'

Descent: 329‘

Maximum Elevation:617 '

GPS Tracks


Turkey Vulture

Sort of the same situation as yesterday. I was busy doing grocery shopping at Costco. Then did an OSHER class on the Glories of Spain-about the art of Spain in the 1600 and 1700’s. So we do not get off until after lunch, more particularly after 2pm.

But that is OK. We are only going a short distance up to Millerton State Park and doing the South Shore Trail. It gives us the first opportunity for us to use our State Parks Annual Pass. Only one more use to pay for it. We fill out the envelope and go to the end of the road. We do the usual getting ready.




Our path through the flowers

But before we shove off, a big bird-not the Sesame Street type-but the turkey vulture type. Off we went, we rounded the first point and came across our first fellow traveler-a bicyclist. He passes by after we step aside. A little ways further, Sherri sees a couple of geese in the sand by the lake’s shore.

But we do not need birds to cause us to stop. There are plenty of flowers to tempt us to gaze at them. Some I know, such as fiddlenecks and miner’s lettuce, a few orchid looking flowers and a blue Dick. But there are others I do not know, it is enough just to admire and enjoy.





Gary on trail

After a mile and a bit more gazing, Sherri thinks she may have seen an eagle in a tree. I am too slow with the camera to take a picture as it flies off. Also another bicyclest comes by, must have disturbed the bird even more.

Then the highlight of the trip, at least my highlight. Sherri goes a little ways ahead, so she does not see what happens right above her. A hawk landed on a branch a few feet above her. She walks on; I only stand and gawk and take a lot of pictures. After about five minutes and me gradually getting closer, the hawk decides he is tired of being a photogenic object of my lens.





Eagle looking down on Sherri

And now I catch up to Sherri. The last part of the trail has a few rocky places-not bad, but Sherri has a tendency to pick her way through these. We stop for a few minutes about a quarter mile before the trail’s end to look over the lake. And then we go to the end of the trail.








There is a convenient outhouse at the end which we make use of before we head back down the trail. The wind has started blowing and we head towards the sun. So while we make good progress, it is against some slight resistance from the elements. A few walkers and cyclists pass us. We get back to the car around 5 and then head back home after a nice hike.

Extra Photo's

Sherri on path

Millerton Lake being low


Oak Trees


Flowers and Plants

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