Wednesday, March 2, 2022

March 2, 2022 - China Creek



Title: March 2, 2022 - China Creek
Hike Info : Description 

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: China Creek County Park Entrance

Trail:  China Creek Interpretive Trail

Destination: Loop 

Distance:  1.85 miles

Start Time: 2:06

End Time:  3:21

Travel Time: 1:15  (1.48 mph)

Moving Time:  0:56   (1.98 mph)

Elevation Rise:  146'

Descent: 135‘

Maximum Elevation: 388'

GPS Tracks


We had things going on in the morning, so we could not go out. We also have Korra which limits where we can walk. By 1:30, we were ready to leave. We are thinking about going up and walking to Delilah or maybe Davis Road depending on how soon we get up there. But then, computing how long it will take to get up there, we realize it would be a short walk. So we decided to go to Centerville’s China Creek County Park. It is only about 25 minutes to the Park.

Drainage ditch on east side of park

Around 2pm we got there. Even though it is not needed, we get on our boots-more for the conditioning than the roughness of the terrain. Korra is excited to get going and is pulling me along-I think my arm will have lengthen by 6” by the end of the hike.






The first leg is across a field, which I can see used to be a pasture. Korra stops to investigate each hole in the ground. She does not find anything and neither do I let her find anything. At the end of the pasture is what I think is part of China Creek-which looks more like a drainage ditch. Still the water is running nicely. I barely get a picture in before Korra is tugging me onward. The reason why she is urging me on is that Sherri has gotten ahead of us and Korra wants to be in the lead. 







Looking east

Sherri is waiting for us because our path comes close to a group of cows with a couple of calves. Sherri figures it is better to walk by together. The cows watch us, making sure we do not do anything with the calves.

We shortly came to the paved road which bisects the park. A fisherman engages us and asks us if we know where the South Pond is. No, but we have a map. We look it over and point in the general direction. He takes off , only to discover there is barbed wire between us and the pond.


But our path does not depend on going to South Pond, so we contiu]nue on around the perimeter of the park. We find a couple of the park’s sycamore trees and do a proper amount of gazing at them. We head towards North Pond, which is accessible to us. It looks a bit dry.

There is a trail heading west called the Woodlands Loop. Like all the trails at China Creek, this is pretty short-less than a half of a mile. We think we are following it, at least we think we are. But the path we are following disappears into grass. It is not like we are lost-we just do not know where the trail is. But we head over towards the trees-you get it, woodlands-and pick it up. A pleasant diversion of a trail.

Back to the main trail and it is a short 50 yard walk back to the car. We get home around 4:30, to find Steven in his hammock. Korra is delighted to find him


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