Friday, January 23, 1970

Place: CA-Mt Watkins

Mt Watkins-8,497' (Yosemite Falls)  (37.7827022, -119.5176622)
Watkins Pinnacles-6,289' (Yosemite Falls)  (37.7665914, -119.5243288)

Carleton E. Watkins, one of the earliest photographers of Yosemite, whose views were widely celebrated in the sixties. A view of Mirror Lake with Mount Watkins reflected was especially popular, and doubtless led to his name being affixed to the mountain. (See: Charles B. Turrill, in News Notes of California Libraries, January, 1918, pp. 29-37.)

Watkins furnished illustrations for the Whitney Survey publications. (Whitney Survey: Geology, 1865, p. 408; Whitney: The Yosemite Book, 1868, p. 12.)

Indian name Waijau, meaning Pine Mountain. (Whitney: Yosemite Guide Book, 1870, p. 17.)
Place Names of the High Sierra (1926) by Francis P. Farquhar

MOUNT WATKINS is the peak opposite Cloud’s Rest whose reflection is seen in Mirror Lake. It was named after Carleton E. Watkins, an early day Yosemite photographer of wide fame. According to Josiah Whitney, the Indian name was “Waijau“, meaning “pine mountain”. Ansel Hall translates “Wei-you”,
Yosemite Valley Place Names (1955) by Richard J. Hartesveldt

From GNIS:
  • Mount Watkins: In Yosemite National Park, 1.6 km (1 mi) west of Tenaya Canyon and 2.9 km (1.8 mi) east of Indian Rock.  Decision card says: named for Carlton E Watkins, one of the earliest photographers of Yosemite, whose views were widely celebrated in the sixties-Farquhar. Also called:
    • Waijau: Browning, Peter. Yosemite Place Names. Lafayette, California: Great West Books, 1988. p157
    • Wei-yow: Browning, Peter. Yosemite Place Names. Lafayette, California: Great West Books, 1988. p157
  •  Watkins Pinnacles: Also called:
    • Mount Watkins: Browning, Peter. Place Names of the Sierra Nevada. Berkeley, California: Wilderness Press, 1986. p233
    •  Waijau: Browning, Peter. Yosemite Place Names. Lafayette, California: Great West Books, 1988. p233
    • Wei-yow: Browning, Peter. Yosemite Place Names. Lafayette, California: Great West Books, 1988. p233


March 12, 2017

March 12, 2017

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