Friday, February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022-Hawaii: Puako, Kona and Waimea


 Title: February 4, 2022-Hawaii: Puako, Kona and Waimea

Hike Info:

Type: Snorkeling

Location: Puako


Last night we talked about going out and snorkeling at high tide today. that would be at 5am local time. The problem is that it is dark at that time and I do not feel confident of being out in the surf in the dark. I happened to wake up at that time. While Kevin and David are awake, they are not moving. so I lay down for another 45 minutes until Sherri moves.

There is light downstairs. We are off to a slow, but pleasant start. David has everything prepared to go. After eating a bit of granola, we are off to snorkel at Puako a little before 7:30. I feel like I am the slow one of the group-David, Kevin and myself. Still out there having fun. David finds an eel in a crack in the rock and shows it to me. Kevin finds several schools of fish, including the colorful Convict Tang. In a deeper underwater ravine, another school of big fish is spotted. We just enjoy seeing them move so gracefully in the water. It is now time to turn back. They make good headway. My snorkel starts to take on water, causing me to blow it out often. Then in on crease, I swim pretty good, but make no head way. Later on Kevin said he got caught in the same crease and struggled there as well. I feel better. We all get out of the water and wash off, then return to the condo. For more on this crease, see Wednesday’s blog entry, when it is posted. 


After rinsing off the gear, we lay around a bit. But then head down to Kona. The first order of business is to change the car out. The current one has part of the side rubbed off. After getting a couple of alternatives, we find one which is OK. We then go to the Kona’s farmers market and hunt around for stuff, then walking along the shops there.

After tiring of that, it is time to head back to the car. Kevin and David drop Sherri and I off at the Pine Tree Cafe, where we had a couple of rice bowls-teriyaki beef for Sherri and teriyaki chicken for me. Very filling. As we finish up, the Costco contingent comes back and we go back to the condo.

Remnants of a whale splash

There we put away food and get ready to head out again. This time, we take the highway north, looking for whales. We stop at the Hamakua Macadamia Nut Company and buy stuff there. From its perch on top of a hillside, we spot both goats and a whale. The whale keeps us occupied for 15 minutes or so. Always amazing those mammals. After that, we head on to Waimea. There we stop at a KTA grocery store and pick up stuff. But the chief interest is to head to the Tropical Dreams Ice Cream plant. No samples, but we buy a couple of flavors to satiate our desires for the trip.
Goats at the Nut Factory

Then it is back to the condo to rest for a little while. We watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Kevin goes upstairs to rest. I follow him a few minutes later to my bedroom. I read for a few minutes and fall asleep for an hour.

We head out towards the Hilton area to watch the sunset. Really a wonderful sight. Rich in colors. Clouds on the horizon block any thoughts of a green flash which is sometimes seen. Then back to the condo where Kevin and David fixes a Chinese Chicken Salad. I think we are all content for the day.

On way to see the sunset
Tomorrow, Kevin is going to clean while David, Sherri and I visit the east side of the island.

Extra Photo's

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