Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26, 2024 - Go to Medford

Title: June 26, 2024 - Go to Medford

Hike Info:

Type: Car

Mileage: 488+12 miles

 Time: 9+ hours


I got up at 5:30 and did my lightning report. During the past two days I reported over 750 strikes in our area. That kept me busy for about an hour and a half each morning. I had breakfast and then finished packing the car. I think I was pretty much ready by a little after 8. There was a few household things I needed to do before we left: bringing in the garbage cans, taking down the hummingbird feeder, and washing dishes.

By the time everything was ready for us to take off, it was 8:50. So much for getting off between 8 and 8:30.

Steven starts driving. It is an uneventful drive. Sherri wants to stop at the Starbucks in Livingston. I took over driving after this. It is 10:15. We stop in Elk Grove to fill up with gas at Costco-where else? then lunch at Leatherbys. We arrived at about 12:10. Sherri and I split a cowboy bacon burger and Steven garlic chicken straps. Of course, we get a Rachel’s sundae, which Sherri and I split.

Now we are off. Steven is now capitaning the car. We head over to I 5 via Laguna Blvd. Then up I-5 Once again nothing too exciting. I read some and play some on my phone while Steven drives. He drives without incident until the Collier rest stop

Medford Costco
. You may wonder about the term “without incident.” No, I am not implying something about Steven’s driving. Rather after getting into an accident going to Andrea’s last June, I no longer assume we will make it someplace without incident. There is renewed gratitude upon arrival at a destination.

From Collier I drive up to Medford. We will stop here for the night. We check in at La Quinta along I5. After bringing in what we need for the night, we go to Costco for gas. Then to Kaleidoscope pizza for dinner. Sherri and I stopped there several years ago and were impressed with the food and the ambience-that is the Grateful Dead decorations. The pizza is still good. Sherri and Steven also enjoyed a salad. Would we come back here again? I would say yes if we are in Medford.

Then it is back to the hotel room. Korra has been good-being left in a strange room all by herself. She is happy to see us and particularly Steven. By now, it is time to take a shower and get ready for bed. Even with Steven driving the majority of the way, I am ready to get a good night's sleep.




Leatherbys. We go to Leatherbys in Elk Grove whenever we go through Sacramento. My wife and I split a Cowboy Bacon Burger and it was filling enough for both of us, along with being pretty good tasting. But was the ice cream worth coming in? We had a Rachel’s Sundae. This is a two scoop sundae with your choice of ice cream and sauce. All was good-enough that my blood sugars were high for a couple of days. Should have ordered the Patty’s Sundae.

Kaleidoscope. Good pizza-half pepperoni and half Aloha and a good salad-sweat and savory. That is what we have. Throw in a bit of Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead and that describes Kaleidoscope.

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