Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8, 2024 - Starlight Trail


Title: August 8, 2024 - Starlight Trail
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo'sFlowers and Plants

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: Big Meadows Snow Trailhead

Trail:  Roughly the Starlight Trail (SNO-29E14), 14S11G, 14S14

Destination:  7704

Distance:  3.24 miles

Start Time: 9:54

End Time:  1:32

Travel Time: 3:38  (0.89 mph)

Moving Time:  2:38  (1.23 mph)

Elevation Rise: 687'

Descent: 648‘

Maximum Elevation: 7,832'

GPS Tracks


Start of Starlight Trail
It is a normal morning for me. By about 7:00 I am ready for a 7:30 start. But we do not leave until 8:15. I drove straight through to the Big Meadow Snow Trailhead, arriving about 9:40. It does not take us long to get ready and by 10:00, when our boots go for a walk.

Even though the Starlight Trail is mostly a snow trail, we have gone over it about evenly between snow travel and a walking trail. In previous years, there has been a track to follow, this year there it is more overgrown with lupine which is past the bloom stage. But we know to look for the blue diamonds which mark the Winter trail. The one problem is that the diamonds are old, some are faded, some are no longer on the tree and some trees are no longer standing.

Sherri crossing Woodward
Still, we know that trip goes up the ridge and we pick our way up it. It is refreshing to be out again. It has been two weeks since we went backpacking and I feel the need to get out. When we get to the top of the ridge, we come to road 14S11G along with the dispersed camping sites. These are large sites with large campfire pits.

This is where we typically lose the Starlight Trail and today is no different. We follow the ridge away from the road, sort of paralleling the Big Meadows Road. When we cross Woodward Creek, we start heading more southward. All of this I would consider more light cross-country work. Not much navigation as I know where the roads are, but not following a trail. I am picking my way up and along ridges and down ravines. I think I am doing it pretty well-I do not hear complaints. Maybe I am going deaf?

We pop up on the road 14S14. The
last time we were on this road, we were bounding over snow drifts and snow puddles. Today, it is dry, slightly dusty. As it is after 11, I am aiming for an area where we have eaten before, a nice area to eat. When we got there, an RV was parked at my eating spot. Sigh, why are my good places always infringed upon?

We dip down a little ways and find a place under a tree which looks comfortable. Too comfortable as we spend about half an hour there just enjoying life. Breaks are one of the pleasures of a hiker.

Two FunGuy, a FunGirl and a fungi
About 11:50 we pick up and leave for our return trip. Rather than following the road back, we decided to pick our way back. I really had been aiming for a spot we had taken Rachel too a couple of years ago. But the last couple of times, I could not find it.

But when I look to find a route back, there it is!. So we climbed up the granite slabs which lead to the top of 7704. Here we enjoy another break, but a lot shorter than our 11ish break. Up here we have a pretty nice view to the west. I see Chimney Rock and the antenna on top of Big Baldy. Buck Rock peeks out from just above the ridge in front of it.

We now head down the ridge and re-cross Woodward Creek. Here we pick up the blue diamonds from the Starlight Trail. They follows the ridge up. Except for it being uphill, the walking is pretty easy. There is a series of small knolls which we climb. Eventually this gets us back to the campsites along 14S11G.

Hill 7704
Andrea, Steven and Korra
I lose the Starlight Trail again, but find what I think is an old fire road. But it is an extension of 14S11S. When I realized where the road is going to, we veered off to the left and more towards the trailhead than the Big Meadows Road. As we approach the parking area, we wade through the lupine-with its dried flower pods. The result was the pods clinged to our socks and clothes.

Our return time to get back to the car was 1:30. We got back at 1:40-not bad. After getting the pods off our clothes, we get into the car with Andrea driving. We got back around 3:30. Showers were in order and then time for a good dinner at DiCicco’s. I am content. Then to end the day, we went to my book group where we talked about The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.

Extra Photo's

Hill 7704

Coming down Hill 7704

Buck Rock Lookout

Photographers setting up


Interesting: A tree pulled up a wall of rock

Clouds to the south

Gary and Sherri

Flowers and Plants

Red Elderberry?

Red Elderberry?

Red Elderberry?

Alpine Aster

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