Saturday, January 3, 1970

Place: CA-Camp Curry

Camp Curry (Half Dome, Yosemite)  (38.3138043, -120.1371339)

Established June 1, 1899, by Mr. and Mrs. David A. Curry, and maintained annually ever since. David A. Curry (1860-1917) and Jennie Foster (born 1861), both natives of Indiana, were married in 1886. “As students under David Starr Jordan at Indiana University, they were inducted into the joys of tramping and camping, and, as teachers, carried on such work for several years as vacation employment, chiefly in the Yellowstone National Park, until . . . Camp Curry was founded.” (Letter from Mrs. Curry.)     Place Names of the High Sierra (1926)  by Francis P. Farquhar

Note: As of March 1, 2016, it is now called Half Dome Village

In Speaking of Bears by Rachel Mazur, (pg 133, 134) she talks about the apple orchards in the Camp Curry area. My guess is that is where the large dirt parking lot is now. This provided fresh apples for the camp. But also it was a bear magnet. These orchards are considered historic. There are stories in the book about how they tried to reduce the apple produced, but only succeeded in making bigger and better ones.



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