Friday, January 2, 1970

Places: CA-Bearskin





Bearskin Meadow-5,725' (Hume) (36.7596678, -118.9028838)
Legal: T28S, R13E, Sec26

DegMinVertical DegMinutesDistanceVisible

Park Ridge

Buck Rock

Bearskin Grove-6,339' (Hume) (36.7499458, -118.9089951)
Legal: T28S, R13E, Sec35

DegMinVertical DegMinutesDistanceVisible

Park Ridge

Buck Rock

Bearskin Creek-5,722' (Hume) (36.7607788, -118.8995504 )
Legal: T28S, R13E, Sec26

DegMinVertical DegMinutesDistanceVisible

Park Ridge

Buck Rock

Description : Trips : References : Pictures 


Said to be named on account of a snow-patch that was the last to go in summer and which resembled a bearskin. (J. B. Agnew.)

“We now descend to Bearskin Meadow, a sheet of purple-topped grasses enameled with violets, gilias, larkspurs, potentillas, ivesias, columbine, etc.; parnassia and sedges in the wet places, and majestic trees crowding forward in proud array to form a curving border, while Little Boulder Creek, a stream twenty feet wide, goes humming and swirling merrily through the middle of it.” (Muir: A Rival of the Yosemite, in Century Magazine, November, 1891, p. 79.) 
From Place Names of the High Sierra (1926)
by Francis P. Farquhar

 From GNIS: Bearskin Creek:  3 mile long tributary of Tenmile Creek.



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