Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014 - Big Arroyo to Morane Lake

Title: June 24, 2014 - Big Arroyo to Moraine Lake
Hike Info:
Type: Backpacking
Trail: High Sierra Trail
Destination: Moraine Lake
Distance: 9.55 miles
Start Time:  9:23
End Time:   4:30
Travel Time: 7:06 (1.20 mph)
Moving Time: 4:27 (1.92 mph)
Elevation Rise: 1,220'
Maximum Elevation: 10,621'

Not sure what happened to Ray and Rachel, but they did not appear in any of the pictures day. Maybe tomorrow.

Got up a bit late. My sleeping bag felt good this morning. So even though the first light appeared, I tucked my head further into my bag. But eventually I emerged around 6:15 to have my quiet time. We all were a bit slow this morning. So slow, that Ray and I got into a discussion on going light with our backpacks. He noted that a going light book he has advocates going sans toilet paper-I think it will take a bit of convincing for me to adopt this method. I got in a good wash of myself and clothes.  We finally left camp around 9:15.
Gary and Andrea
Andrea Pontificating, not Gary

The first challenge is crossing the Big Arroyo, which I crossed several times yesterday. I find where I  crossed yesterday, but I was the only one to go this way. My crossing was pretty easy.  The trail down to the junction with Little Five Lakes is pretty gentle, going in and out of tree cover. But mosquito's hit us at the junction, so we go up two hundred yards and stop for a snack break.
Lower Big Arroyo
Upper Big Arroyo

Humus, Salty MIx and Jerky
Now the trail starts climbing the wall of the Big Arroyo. It is some shade with some exposure. Not as hard as yesterday, but I think I am feeling the trail more. Maybe it is the altitude or maybe the decrease in calorie intake, or just being tired. The sun is getting warm and the trail is constantly rising. Around 11:30 we stop for lunch-humus today. The place we on a pretty good slope, but lunch is lunch. But not really a great view at all.

The temperature continues to rise, sapping our strength. Ray and Rachel go ahead and stop at the start of the descent. A word about today's walk. It pretty much is a climb up to regain what we lost yesterday, then a decline to Moraine Lake, back to an elevation where we started today. But of course, we get to see different scenery.

Little Five Lake Basin
Great Western Divide

Andrea at rest
We rest when we catch up with Ray and Rachel. But then Sherri, Steven and I take off ahead. We come to a junction which causes some confusion about that is the right way to go. The High Sierra Trail sort of forks with the one on the left going a more direct route down to the Kern Canyon. But we want to go to Moraine Lake so off we go to the left. It is a gentle descent. We go over to an overlook of the Big Arroyo and the eastern side of the Great Western Divide.

Gary and the Great Western Divide

Andrea and the lower part of the Big Arroyo

Moraine Lake
Shortly afterwards, we get to Moraine Lake. It is a big open area with lots of camping places. Also a bear box awaits us and we are the only ones here-later on a couple of men come by, but we do not see them again as they head to the western end of the lake. The lake is pretty pleasant. I wade off a ways and wash away a couple layers of dirt. But Steven swims out to an island. Just a pleasant, relaxing time. Eventually dinner is made, but no one feels like starting a fire. So its is off to bed we go after what feels like a short day.

Trail Lesson:
Even prosaic days hold wonder and beauty.

Moraine Lake

Steven in for a swim

Pitching a tent

Moraine at Sunset

Gary's Nutella Quesadilla

 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Oatmeal and add-ins, such as dried peaches, strawberries, nuts, granola. Tang. Humus, Salty Mix and Beef Jerky on crackers Tamale Freestyle

Nutella and Jelly Belly Quesadilla
Clif Bar, Jelly Bellies, CytoMax, Propel, GORP, Bank Balls

Kaweah Range
Ghost Forest on way down to Moraine Lake
Mt Kaweah


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