Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27, 2014 - Kern-Kaweah River to Colby Lake

Trail straight to Colby Pass

Title: June 27, 2014 - Kern-Kaweah River to Colby Lake
Hike Info:
Type:  Backpacking
Trail: Colby Pass
Destination: Colby Lake
Distance:  7.06 miles 1
Start Time:  9:08am
End Time:  7:46pm
Travel Time: 10:38 (0.66 mph)
Moving Time: 8:42 (0.81 mph)
Elevation Rise: 3,054'
Elevation Descended: 1,724'
Maximum Elevation: 12.023'

Morning has broken
Sherri with morning tea
When I woke up, I saw Sherri's eyes open. Pleasant way to start the day. But it also means I slept in a bit. That would be until 6, but then I laid around in bed for another half an hour before crawling out of the bag. Even then, I was the first up. That is OK. Yesterday was a bit hard on us. Today will be a short mileage day, but lots of elevation gain, just a bit more than yesterday. This may be the hardest day of our trip. After today, it is downhill and rolling trails.

Eureka!!! Andrea found the missing Glide from yesterday! All looks well with the world!

The Fisherman

Gary at rest

Ready to go again
We get off around 9. The trail is up, but gradual, at least at the start. Go up a ridge and then across some granite. A good wind is blowing in our faces, but we are warm from our walking. A few puffy clouds in the distance. Even with the wind, the Deet still needs to come out. Still life could be a lot worse. Beautiful scenery abounds. Whitney is seen, along with Muir and Hitchcock mountains to the east. We stop for our first break at a nice set of cascades. I do not think we have gotten into hiking mode this morning. Still a relaxed time.

Gallats Lake
After the cascades, we climb up a ridge and round a point on the other side of the river. Then we see Gallats Lake, or at least where it should be. There is a beautiful, meandering river through a large middle. It would be paradise, except for one thing. The Hunger Games hour has struck again and the mosquito's have come out to torment us. So we do not stop long to ponder and enjoy, only to apply a fresh layer of Deet.

Gary, Steven and Andrea at rest
Contemplation or tired?
At the end of the "lake", we leave the river. There is a gradual climb until we re meet the river again. But then we start to experience the real Colby Pass Trail. This trail goes up, straight up, relentlessly for what seems like an eternity, but in reality is about 400'. From the lack of switchbacks, I think this trail must have been done on a low budget. Definitely not on a per mile basis. The four Duran's have not caught up with the Millers, but we stop for lunch anyway at a relatively flat length of trail.

Father and Daughter-So Goood!
 Lunch ends-we have some mosquito's attacking again. But in a short ways, there is a 500' stretch of trail straight up. If anything, this is even more wearing on us than the first rise. When we emerge, there is a flat place where a dried up lake exists during certain times of the year. Andrea went back to bring up Sherri's pack-this will be a re-occurring theme throughout the day. It is time for another stop.

Long Hard Climb Up
Now the trail sort of loops around this flat area, at least it is a gentle rise by what we have been doing. But we are up to 11,000' so any rise becomes a bit of  a breathing exercise. Ray comes down from a spot a couple of hundred feet above us and takes Sherri's pack. When we get to Ray's pack, Andrea takes my sleeping bag and pad. Makes a difference, temporarily.

Beauty can make a difference between shear agony and the joy of striving for a goal. This may be why many of the martyrs could stand up to the horrendous tortures-they counted the beauty of the heavenly vision more powerful than the pain they were enduring. On our part-nothing so grand as the martyrs, there were a couple blue-green tarns in stark relief to the hard granite around them. Even as we rose on our final assent, we could see the Kaweah's looming as a sharp fortress wall. The Kern drainage in its splendor stretch out before us. But now we had the steepness of the trail with the 11,000'+ altitude. Every few steps requires a great break. With about 300' left, Ray comes down and takes my pack and trots up the pass.; I take Sherri's. A little while later Rachel comes down and takes Sherri's. We are thankful. At the top of this 12,000' pass, we finally stand, tired, worn but successful, thanks to our friends and family. In a lot of ways, this is the high point of our trip.

On top of Colby Pass
  We relax and enjoy our time up here on Colby Pass. Looking south, we see the Kaweah's and the Kern drainage. But Kern Ridge and Kern Point block the view to the east. But looking on the other side of the pass is north and north west of the Kings River. It is this kind of a sight which I most relish from the top of a pass. How the mountains unfold under you with the deep ravines cut in them, making them even more impressive. We could spend a whole afternoon up here. But the afternoon is wearing away and we need to leave our perch up here.

See the pictures below for what we saw.  Then continue to read after the pictures-after all, you do not want to leave us on top of Colby Pass, do you?

East from Colby Pass

East From Colby Pass

South from Colby Pass

South on top of Colby Pass

Southwest from Colby Pass

Colby Lake From Colby Pass

North from Colby Pass
Andrea above us

While going down Colby Pass does not lend itself to the breathing exercises we had going up, there is a certain breathlessness which terror induces. The north side of Colby is a shear drop, significantly steeper than the south. While the trail is better graded, it still is steep. The trail is buttressed with rock retaining wall in several places, with sand and gravel over rock. The steepness with the surface makes for easy sliding, which on a normal trail is just an inconvenience. But on this trail with its 600' shear drop, the results of a slide could be disastrous. Now you couple that with places where the embankment of the trail has given away, making for a pathway of only a foot-width, the nerves get shaken by any chance slide. Sherri and I take this trail down slowly, very slowly. The rest of our group is cautious, but makes it down this treacherous decline quicker.
Steven going down, way down

That is Colby Pass way up there

 Andrea, bless her, realizes that Sherri would have a better time without her pack. So she goes down, drops her pack and gets Sherri's. I suspect she added 500' of ascent to her hike today. 

Sunset at Colby Lake
The three of us pull into camp at Colby Lake around 7:45, tired and ready for nothing-Steven, Ray and Rachel are already there. As soon as I lay down my pack, Rachel and Ray start pitching our tent, and blowing up our pads. Everybody is too tired to eat dinner, so we all share in some split pea soup. We do decide that we would sleep in tomorrow and take three days too come out-we are a day ahead of schedule. By this time, it is dark and we are all ready for bed after this trying, but awe provoking day.
Unknown peak

Trail Lesson:
While hiking is an individual experience, we each can help each other. There are times to accept that help.

Today's Slogan:
In granite we trust; in scree its disgust

 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Oatmeal and add-ins, such as dried peaches, strawberries, nuts, granola. Tang. Peanut Butter and Nutella on crackers Split Pea Soup

Clif Bar, Jelly Bellies, CytoMax, Propel, GORP, Bank Balls

 1Usually I discount any distance traveled when we go less than  1/2 mph. This is to minimize the GPS wobble-it can be 25' off from its

Kern-Kaweah River

Gallats Lake


More of the Kaweah's

A Kern-Kaweah cascade

Rachel's Rocks or a Cairn

Trail Up

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