Title: February 16, 2022 - Miami Mountain
Type: Hiking
Trail head: Miami Mtn Road
Trail: Miami Mtn Road
Destination: Miami Lookout
Distance: 4.22 miles
Start Time: 9:45
End Time: 1:06
Travel Time: 3:21 (1.26 mph)
Moving Time: 2:08 (1.98 mph)
Elevation Rise: 1,078'
Descent: 1,061‘
Maximum Elevation:4,336 '
Start of the road up |
Rose and Betty almost to the top
This route up Miami Mountain is a dirt road, some of it being through private property which allows access to the Miami Mountain Lookout. I have done this several times and know that it is a pretty good haul up the mountain, but doable. It will test how good of shape I am in, also if my lungs will hold out.
The first small section is by the home of the person with private property. A dog comes out to greet us and perform guard duty. The person I have heard is heavily involved in keeping the lookout open. Sounds like a win-win.
The air is cool, but even so, I take off my long-sleeve shirt and feel comfortable walking in the sun. A lot of times when I have done Miami Mtn, it has been 10-20 degrees warmer and there is cause to sweat heavily.
Signal Lookout |
I will not say the walk is boring for two reasons. The first is because when you are walking up this road, you are surrounded by oaks and manzanita (or is there some madrone mixed in?), and other shrubbery. Lots there to keep you going. By the way, we do not see much in the realm of wildlife: a few birds and some tracks. Secondly because when you are walking with friends, there is a lot of goodness to everyday conversation: how was Hawaii? Where are you going to celebrate a birthday? How is the ranch doing? And so on. All part of friendship. So good to walk this way.
As we have been climbing for awhile, Betty makes a comment that we seem to be circling around the mountain. And yes we are. Shortly afterwards, we turn and are on the final leg of approach to the top of the mountain and the lookout. The top of Miami is fairly mild, it is a long slightly rounded top with the two story lookout sitting on its crown. There is new construction going on with the telecommunications system. The top is acquired around 11:20.
There are several smokes
showing towards the east, particularly. These are from fireplaces
burning to keep the house warm. We see them all the way over to the
foot of Shuteye
Also, we can barely make out the lookout on top of that peak. But
Signal Lookout on top of Devil’s
Peak is
fairly evident to the northwest of us. This is a good place to have
lunch.Prescribed Burn
When we were seeing the various chimney smokes, it looked like there was one out of the ordinary to the north. After lunch, when I glanced over there, the smoke had gotten bigger and did not act as a single column, more like a wildland fire. But was Sierra NF doing a prescribed burn? Looking at Facebook, the Forest had an entry saying that starting Tuesday they would be doing a prescribed burn in the Lewis Creek drainage. . Bingo. That is where the smoke is going from. Also judging from the location I think it is in the Miami OHV area close to 41.
On the Way Down |
Our trip down the mountain is much like the trip up it. Low mountain vegetation, views of snow in the high mountains and good conversation. That would be also without the huffing and puffing I experienced on the way up. We arrived back at the car by 1pm without incident and by 1:20, our cars touched pavement. The drive home was relaxed, as was I. It did feel good to park the car in our garage. I touched base with Sherri-she is feeling better. Then laid down for a little while.
Extra Photo's
Merced Peak, Triple Divide Peak and Mount Raymond |
Looking West |
Panorama looking east |
Little Shuteye and Shuteye |