Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14, 2025 - Go to Montana de Oro


Title: January 14, 2025 - Go to Montana de Oro
Hike Info : Description : Trail Lessons : Background : Menu : Extra Photo's : Animals : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:
Type: Car


Trail Lesson:


 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Oatmeal and add-ins, such as dried peaches, strawberries, nuts, granola. Tang. Ritz Crackers, Tortillas, Peanut Butter, Nutella
Clif Bar, GORP, Propel, CytoMax, Scratch, Coffee Candy, Jelly Belly

Extra Photo's


Flowers and Plants

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

January 8, 2025 - Corrine Lake

Title: January 8, 2025 - Corrine Lake

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: Corrine Lake Road

Trail: Corrine Lake Road

Destination: Corrine Lake

Distance:  6.44 miles

Start Time: 11:04

End Time:    2:45

Travel Time:  3:41 (1.75 mph)

Moving Time:  2:51  (2.26 mph)

Elevation Rise:  623'

Descent: 615‘

Maximum Elevation: 2,535'

GPS Tracks


Flume from Manzanita Lake
I woke up this morning with the skies just starting to turn pink. Judging by other Facebook posts, other people noticed this pinkness as well and were in awe of it. Then I bought time by doing odds and ends until everybody was ready to go, about 10. The everybody is Steven, Korra, Sherri and myself.

It does not take long for us to drive up Highway 41 to the road going over to North Fork. We turn onto Road 222, keeping a sharp lookout for Corrine Lake Road. Once we find it, we turn off and travel about 100 yards where there is a wide spot on the road and park there. This is where the flume reconnects with your road.

At 11:00, our boots hit the road. Our pathway will take us along the dirt road until it becomes a PG&E road where it mysteriously gets paved. But that is about two miles or so walking from now. The road rolls up and down ridges with the flume following us or going through ridges. Some of the time it is rather plain. But other times the tranquility of gently flowing water is mesmerizing.


Water is not the only attraction. We pass by houses of people who are probably trying to escape from the Life in the city. We have one episode of dogs wanting us out of there, which we gladly accommodated. In the distance we see the Dhamma Mahāvana. At least it was in 2018 We roll through the hills which give the greenness as if it was Spring.

Hiking the road

Before we get to Corrine Lake, there is a long decline, followed by a rise back up to the Lake level. Before seeing the Lake, we stopped at an outhouse. Then to the Lake. There is a guy fishing, but he says that he is not having any luck.

One of the virtues of this Lake is that it had a tendency to reflect the hills and mountains around it. There are high clouds today; the contrast of blue and white with the mountains creates a sense of awe. We settle down at the west end of the Lake and have our lunch. It also gives us a chance to rest and take it all in.


After about half an hour, we took our leave of the Lake. We set a nice pace back. Coming in, we saw a dead animal in the road. The guesses if what it was were a black squirrel, possum or a skunk. On the way back, we looked a bit closer-not too close-and determined that the skunk guess was correct.

We get back to the car about 2:45 and the motor starts about 3. Are we hungry? Steven answers yes. We have eaten at a BBQ in North Fork and will see if it is still there. It is. It is a Veteran run restaurant, called North Fork BBQ, of all things, and serves pretty good. I have the Yosemite Yardbird-chicken; both Sherri and Steven had the Carolina Pig. It takes about half an hour to devour our meal before we head out. The trip back is uneventful.

Extra Photo's

Flume from Manzanita Lake to Corrine Lake

Fence post laced with woodpecker holes

Steven and Korra

Drain into Corrine Lake and the long uphill out of it

Corrine Lake

Corrine Lake


Flume under the ridge

View to the west of the road

Corrine Lake





Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3, 2025 - Stevenson Falls


Title: January 3, 2025 - Stevenson Falls
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo'

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking 

Trail head: Italian Bar Road

Trail: Million Dollar Mile Road

Destination: Stevenson Falls

Distance:  6.93 miles

Start Time: 11:03

End Time:    2:53

Travel Time: 3:50  (1.81 mph)

Moving Time:  2:55  (2.38 mph)

Elevation Rise:  849'

Descent: 868‘

Maximum Elevation: 2,341'

GPS Tracks


Today we are going on the first hike of 2025. I get up about 6:30 and get my stuff together. It has been two months since we have gone on a hike. My day pack is in disarray, but I was able to get it together in relatively short order. We are scheduled to leave at 9. Leaving about 9:20 is not too bad. It will be just Sherri and I on this trip.

Jose Creek
The drive is relatively uneventful. Once we leave Auberry, the roads-Jose Basin and Italian Bar-are both narrow and have been patched many times. After descending in second gear and rounding many switchbacks, we came to the parking area. Just as we park, another pickup pulls in. But he is not hiking. He gets out and unlocks the gate. The man explains he is a contractor and needs to get to one of the generators.

We get our boots on-which is probably overkill since it is paved all the way. After all, this is the Million Dollar Mile Road. By 11:00, our boots hit the pavement-after rounding the gate. The gate is there because this is a private road used by Southern California Edison to go between its Big Creek facilities.

Gary on the Jose Creek Bridge

The road starts out descending to a bridge crossing Jose Creek. There are a couple of falls high up which we have not noticed before. Then we climb up above the powerplant which is powered by falling water through pinstocks.

The weather right now is pretty nice. A bit overcast or at times some high clouds. The temperature is in the high 50’s, perfect for hiking. We walk at a pretty good pace. During the past couple of years going uphill has pretty much winded me. Today, I will not say I am charging up the slopes, but I am able to walk up them, stopping to take a picture and then catching up with Sherri.


San Joaquin River


We see a bicyclist coming up the road, not struggling. Then a couple of hikers who try to encourage us that it is not that far. Do we look so bad that we need encouragement? But since we have done this walk several times before, we know what is next.

The only question in our minds is how much water is coming down Stevenson Falls? Looking down into the San Joaquin, there does not seem to be much water flowing down there. When we round the final bend, the falls are pretty nice. We have seen it fuller, but these are falls which look good just by being there.

We cross the bridge in front of the falls and find a place to sit and admire them while we have lunch. Peanut butter and Nutella, if you must know. While we are eating, another couple comes along, admiring the falls. Right before we are to leave three women and a guy crosses the bridge as well.

Sherri and the adit by the power plant
First view of Stevenson


The first couple takes off before us-we have joked that they would be passing us by. After a few more minutes of resting and picture taking, we are off. Since we are leaving a few minutes after 1, I figure it will be about 3 before we get back to the car. We actually return at a pretty good pace. That couple which started out before us? We passed them while they took a break. I told them that they just made our day.

Except for a few jelly belly’s, we do not take any breaks on the way back. That is until we meet a couple who had just crossed Jose Creek. I saw that he had a Forest Service hat, so I engaged in a conversation with them. In season, they are part of a trail crew. He is the lead on a crew and she is a packer for them, bringing in supplies. We talked for a bit. They had not been down this road before and we gave them an idea about how long and showed them a picture of the falls. Then we went our separate ways.


 It is a short distance to the car now and we cover it in about ten minutes, getting to the car before my 3pm estimate. While we change out of our boots, the slower couple come by and we exchange greetings. Then the group of four wander by. Then to our surprise, the Forest Service couple came up. They had already climbed up to the falls above Jose Creek and had decided they had enough for the day. But we talked for about a good 20 minutes, exchanging names of those who we had communicated with in common.

 When Sherri and I left, there were a few drops on the windshield. By the time we get to Prather, it is raining pretty good. We get home after 4:30. I take a shower. Eventually we went out to Hammy’s Smash Burger for dinner with Steven. A good day.

Extra Photo's

Redinger Lake

Sherri crossing Jose Creek

Falls on Jose Creek

Stevenson Falls

Stevenson Falls

Adit by Stevenson Falls

Looking out from the Adit by powerplant

Adit by powerplant

Adit by powerplant

Saturday, December 28, 2024

December 28, 2024 - Return to Fresno


Title: December 28, 2024 - Return to Fresno

Hike Info:
Type: Car


It is the usual get up and get going. We are aiming to leave around 9-we just need to be out by 11. Breakfast is leftovers and odds and ends and cereal if we want that. There is a nice mist hanging over us.

The first order of business, after breakfast, is to get David’s car loaded. He has the longest drive of the three cars today as he is going back to Eureka. He leaves around 8.

Then the next task is to get our car loaded. While there is not as much stuff in the car as we had coming, we still need the third seat down. So it will be the same driving arrangements as when we come to Dorrington. The difference is that I can now see a little bit out of the back window. Also the weather looks a lot better.

There is a cleaning service for the cabin, but there are a few things they want us to do before we leave. By the time we get everything ready, and Andrea’s car loaded, it is closing in on 10 before we leave.

It has been a pleasant time together. It is both a bit of sadness in departing, but good memories are made that way-they are not memories if you are still living it. Also it gives us something to look forward to.

Our way home is more scenic than coming up. We go back down Highway 4, but before Angel’s Camp we wander around some of the backcountry roads until we hit Highway 49. In our wanderings we see a church called the Church of the 49er’s in Columbia. I do not believe it has to do with the football team, even though that is a possibility. As a note, this is a Presbyterian Church.

We travel to Sonora, and head down 120 for a ways. Sherri and Rachel get some coffee in Sonora-why? I do not know. Then it is backroads to Merced. Once in Merced, we head down the very familiar Highway 99 to Fresno, coming to the end of our time together.

Well, we do have the pleasure of having Rachel with us for a few more days.


Friday, December 27, 2024

Title: December 27, 2024 - Dorrington


Title: Title: December 27, 2024 - Dorrington, Calaveras Big Trees
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail: North Grove Campground Road, Old Moran Road, Big Trees Parkway

Trail head:Calaveras Big Trees main parking area


Distance:   3.78 miles

Start Time:1:08

End Time: 3:10

Travel Time:  2:02 (1.86 mph)

Moving Time:  1.43  (2.20 mph)

Elevation Rise:  454'

Descent:  369'

Maximum Elevation: 4,935'

GPS Tracks

Pond which Andrea went by on her morning run


I woke up about 7:15 after not falling back asleep for a while about 3:30. But I am feeling rested, well at least OK. Rachel is up with Friday-they both are reading outside, snuggled under a blanket. When David gets up, Rachel fixes us a breakfast of French toast and sausage. Then it is mostly chatting the rest of the morning.Except yesterday I had lost my car fob, so we did a search for it. Found it under the bed. Then Rachel needed to work this morning.

We read, play cards and talk while Rachel is working. We have lunch around noon. Rachel will then be joining us for an outing to Calaveras Big Trees State Park. That is the good thing about her job in that there are deadlines to be met, but how she meets them is up to her. While it is possible for six people and two dogs to fit into the Highlander, it would not be very comfortable. So David drives his car as well as us.

On our hike

We get into the Park at 12:30. But not with a little hassle. We have a Golden Senior Pass which we know the number, but could not find the actual pass. But the attendant let us in anyway. When we parked, Sherri found the pass. The first thing we did was go into the Visitor Center, of course. Andrea bought a bear hat for a friend’s child.

Next stop is the warming hut where they are serving free hot chocolate and cider. While all the rest went in, I stayed out with Friday. I fell in with Jill, a volunteer. We talked for a while about the awe which people feel when they see Sequoias for the first time. It is the same awe we see in Yosemite and SEKI. I never tire of showing the wonders of the Sierra to first timers.

Jill has told us that there is a loop on roads which are closed to traffic. We started along the road which is not closed which goes past the North Grove area. A few cars come by, but nothing which interrupts our walk.

Gary found his outhouse

We came to the gated road Jill told us about which is a fire road during the Summer and a ski trail in the winter. Of course, there is no snow, so no skiing, just walking. We rise up to a small saddle where there is a trail junction. We take a left which takes up 200’. Here we continued a conversation from Christmas eve: why am I reluctant to travel, particularly internationally. These discussions are helping me to refine my thinking. I will need to solidify my thoughts.

Andrea and the bear
When we reached the top of the hill, I spotted a garbage chute, a picnic bench, and to my surprise and amazement, there is an outhouse, Sherri does not believe me. But the others see what I see. Later we find out that this is an environmental camp. The outhouse is tried out for functionality and passes.


Gary in his aw shuck pose

Shortly afterwards, we came back to a paved road. Here we take a right and go up to a scenic overlook. Unlike yesterday, the clouds accented the view as they seemed to rise from the forest away. With the rain this morning, the air is clear and there are still raindrops on the manzanita leaves.






Rachel and Friday

Fire Road
We backtrack to a road, which I see later is the Walter W Smith Memorial Parkway. Steven, David, Andrea, Rachel and the dogs are ahead of us. Neither Sherri and I have a map with us which leaves us wondering where in the world are we going? There is another fire road which branches off of the Parkway. We noted that this too has a couple environment camps off of it.




But we continue on our way on the Parkway. It winds around Big Tree Creek before heading back to the parking lot. Our total trip is about four miles. We did see some residual Sequoias, but nothing like we were wandering around them. That just leaves us a reason to come back here, maybe to camp in one of the environmental camps.

Walking the parkway

Pool Wizards

We leave the parking lot and return to the cabin. Rachel goes back to work and the rest of us relax. After work,Rachel, Steve, David and I go down and play a couple rounds of pool. I have never been good at this, but today, I manage to be almost passable. All in all we enjoy ourselves.

For dinner, it is nachos and soup. We all enjoyed the dinner and the company. Would we want to do something like this again-rent out a cabin for Christmas? Yes and maybe at other times of the year.

Extra Photo's

Andrea on her run

Clouds from the scenic overlook

Gary, Sherri, Steven, Korra, Rachel, Friday, David and Andrea

Clouds from the scenic overlook

Walking the parkway

Sign at the visitor center

Father and his Children

The Outhouse


Rachel and Friday

Trident Tree


Can Gary really make this shot?

Flowers and Plants