I was somewhat thinking that this was not a hike I was going to be able to go on. With Twin Lakes being in a wilderness area, there is a group limit of 15 people and there was at least that many on the wait list to go. But then Betty's husband was not able to go and she offered me the opportunity to take Randy's spot-just for today. So I jumped at the chance.
Tiger Lily
Sometimes you do not expect too much out of a hike, besides a good excuse to go out and enjoy a walk in the mountains with people whom you enjoy. That is enough to get me out. And I was not expecting too much more than that. Having backpacked to George Lake before and been by Upper Twin Lake, I did not think I would be blown away by the scenery, which I was not. But as one of my trail lessons said, Beauty is there. Find it! It was not until I started looking at the pictures I took when I realized, beauty was all around me, I just needed to open my eyes and see it.
So today started with us gathering in Kohl's parking lot-14 of us showed up. John delineated the wilderness rules concerning group size. Then we all jumped into our cars and headed towards Huntington Lake, with a brief stop in Shaver for their bathrooms. In my car was Betty, Dennis and Rob-good conversations ranging from a lost hiker who had a broken leg to backpacking to enjoying Bass Lake.
We get to the Potter Pass trail head around 8:30. This is where the California Riding-Hiking Trail is bisected on the Kaiser Pass Road. We head north along it. We immediately start gaining altitude, but not on the scale which Sherri and I have been two weeks ago. Still, going up 300-400' in a mile is a good climb. It sot of shows as we are sweating a lot. Still, the day is young and we have energy.
Tiger Lily at Lower Twin Lake
We shortly come to a place which will be one of the three things which exemplify this hike. This first item is a meadow, not just a lot of green grass with some corn lilies scattered in, even though there is that. In addition, we have a bounty of flowers showing off for us. Tiger Lilies, Columbines, Indian Paintbrushes, Queen Anne's Lace, and many others which keeps us in awe. Just this would be enough to make the trip a success.
Drops on leaves
As we climb up, we get to see a bit more around us. China Peak ski area is across the way, along with Huntington Lake. This is to be expected. But we see clouds drifting in and starting to billow upwards. I can gaze at clouds to my hearts contents. These clouds do not seem to be bringing rain-even though later on we will hear the report of thunder.
We stop on top of Potter Pass. From here on, it will be downhill to Twin Lakes. There is a nice little, unnamed meadow at the foot of the Pass and a good expansive view looking northwards to ranges about 10 miles away. But Potter is not one of those passes which you remember because of the vista, but because it is an entrance into someplace else, namely access to Twin and George Lakes.
So down we charge, with the knowledge that every step down means a climb back up. But the total drop to Lower Twin Lake is only about 400', not the 600-700' we climbed to get up here. As we drop, we encounter more meadows, even a named one, Round Meadow. But by now, we are ready to see some water, some good sized water. Lower Twin Lakes-why is it called lower? It is 2' higher, elevation wise than the upper lake. Lower Twin Lake does not disappoint. While not really notable as a lake, we are greeted with a reflection of peak 9659'. This is one of those close to picture perfect images.
Jerry and Kate in for a swim
Then it is a short trip up a small rise to Upper Twin Lake. We hear people splashing, but do not see them for a few minutes. Then we see our group. Kate has entered the water and swam across to an island. Jerry is about to join her. Nobody else ventures to go to their island, but Meagan does enjoy a nice wade. But our attention is brought back to the island as both Kate and Jerry jump from a rock, splashing. Then returning back to our side of the world. They both look refreshed. This is the third characteristic of our hike, refreshment of the spirit.
Upper Twin Lake
Leaving Upper Twin Lake
Our return back is interrupted by a couple of things. First John talks to us about the possibility of returning to this area in a month or so. The idea is to continue on up to George Lake and up to Kaiser Peak. Then return back to Nat and Gerri's cabin at Huntington for eats. Sounds long, but interesting. I may plan a backpack trip up to George Lake at that time. It is a place I have enjoyed in the past.
Dinner, the Grouse
The second item is a grouse is spotted. So we now have not only wildflowers but a wild bird. Even though this bird does not seem to be too intimidated by us. I try calling the grouse over to me, "Here Dinner, Dinner, Dinner." But he does not seem to be interested in my culinary desires. The trip back to Potter Pass is not too bad-at least not as strenuous as I suspected it would be going down.
Cathey and John reach top of Potter Pass
At the top of Potter Pass, not only is our group waiting for us, but so is a group from Golden Eagle Camp resting before going down to Twin lakes. We had seen a group on a return trip going back to the parking lot on our way in. But now, it is all downhill. Instead of pulling up the rear, I get into a conversation with Kate about her recent trip to Whitney. Then I get to hear a discussion on Meagan's and Richard's profession for much of the rest of the way down. But there is still time to look at a cone and try to determine where it came from-turns out to be a Noble Fir.
We get down to the car around 2:20 and wait around for 15 minutes for the rest of our group. At the end of the walk down, we started to hear the boom of thunder off towards Edison. The sounds of thunder crackling continue as we wait, but does not seem to be drawing any closer. Also no moisture to cool us off. Then it is off to Shaver Lake for pizza. We get back to Fresno around 5:15. A good day to be hiking.
Trail Lesson:
Beauty is all around me, just open my eyes and see it.
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