Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020 - Upper Davis Road

Title: May 20, 2020 - Upper Davis Road
Hike Info : DescriptionBackgroundExtra Photo's : Flowers and Plants
Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail: Davis Road
Destination: Fox Springs
Actual Destination:
Distance:  4.31 miles  1
Start Time: 11:51
End Time:     2:44
Travel Time: 2:44  (1.58 mph)
Moving Time: 1:33  (2.78 mph)
Elevation Rise:  1,106'
Descent: ‘
Maximum Elevation: 4,765'
 1Sigh, not sure what happened, but the GPS track starts at the unnamed pond we ate lunch at rather where we left the car. I think we lost about a mile and a quarter of tracks. Most of it is downhill.
Korra and Steven
March 4th at Wawona Meadow was the last time we went on a hike. It has been a long two months. So the three of us, along with Steven’s new husky, Korra, will be doing a short hike. Unless we find very many cars, we will be hiking the upper part of Davis Road to Fox Springs. This is a place we see from Delilah Lookout, but have not visited.
We leave our house at 9:25 and need to stop and get gas at Costco. This is the first time we have filled up with gas in any of our vehicles in more than two months. Also Lee had asked me about the road to Delilah. Evidently she and Kathy-who we hiked with last year-is going up there today. Maybe we will see them.

Common Madia

Delilah Lookout
We get to the junction of Davis and Delilah Roads. It takes about 15 minutes to unload and get our shoes on before we go. The road is generally downhill all the way to the Kings River. In various places you also see names like Sampson Flat Road instead of Davis Road. On this upper stretch it is a gradual decline. But what makes this hike really special, besides being on it for the first time, is the wild flowers. While there is not the WOW! factor of the fields of poppies you see lower down-actually we did not see poppies today-there is something refreshing being greeted by the multitude of colors we saw.
Of course, it is a lot easier to be refreshed when one is going downhill. During this time I play a favorite game of mine. This game goes by a couple of names: “What is that”? “ Can you name that place?” or “Can you see that from the lookout?” Between all of that and stopping for flowers or other interesting sights, it takes about half an hour to go a little bit more than a mile downhill.
Unnamed Pond
We stop at the remains of a house-only the cement floor and chimney is left. I had spotted a small pond on an old topo map just on the side of the house. You know how I am. So off we go towards it. First there are vehicle tracks which end up being a cow trail. Sherri is off taking pictures while Steven and I continue on. When we do get down to the pond, there is a sense of peacefulness which you get when nobody else is around and you probably will not get anybody else here today. Please there is a subdued sense of beauty. We decide this is a lunch place and enjoy our Peanut Butter and Nutella sandwich here.

One could be here for a while-not too long as I suspect this area will be crawling with rattlers once things heat up. Besides there is more to explore. We head back up how we came and hit Davis Road. A little snake slithers through the grass-enough to catch Korra's attention, but not enough to identify. There is a gate we are looking for and a hundred yards down the road, we find it. But where is the old dirt road to Fox Springs? We head back a few feet and I gaze across a little rivulet and a 7’ ditch. There it is. I guess the road is no longer in service. 
Bovine Guard
Fortunately, we are walking and can figure a way around. So we cross over, Some cows do not like our looks and run away. We pick up the remains of the road and follow it as it looks more and more like a cow track. We go through some vines, watching out for poison oak and snakes. I am in the lead with my eyes either forward or towards the ground. I had just come to a pool in the middle of the path, looking for a way around it, when Sherri says:

Smoke beyond Sacata

Gary! Steven sees a smoke!” That is something which will catch my attention. Sure enough, there is a pretty large smoke coming from the northeast, beyond the Kings River. It looks like it is on the other side of Sacata Ridge. Sherri and Steven look through the binoculars to get a fix on it; I dig in my pack for my Boy Scout compass. It is at a magnetic 3210 (as a note, there is an almost 130 declination from our location.) With this information along with our location-Fox Springs and the lat/long, I try to call Sierra Dispatch. But the number I have is old. So I call Sequoia National Forest’s Dispatch. After identifying myself and giving the approximate location of the burn, Dispatch says that there is a burn in Blue Canyon which has gotten away. At least they know about it and can take care of it.
Gary Walking back to Davis Road
We decided that with the pool of water blocking us and we would call that we have been to Fox Springs. I spent a few minutes getting my backpacked together. By that time Steve and Sherri were ahead of me. I looked around and saw a road I missed-remember my head was down. But this road should have been evident. It crossed over a ridge to the north of us. So I followed it. Nothing spectacular, except a different view of Sampson Creek area and across the Kings. Also I think this is where the campground may have been.
I catch up to Sherri on Davis Road. Korra was being restless so they went on head to the car. Now for the time going up the road. Glad it is a cooler day and with some scattered clouds. We enjoy ourselves. But the return trip is slower. Definitely not charging up the road. Note to Gary: Save some picture taking for the return trip.
A truck comes down the road. We eyeball each other. They are wondering what are people doing down here and we are wondering how they got past a locked gate. From what they said, Teresa and John own property around Sampson Flat. We talk a bit about things and they continue on as we do.
Shortly we are back in the car by 1:45. Lee and Kathy left a note for us. They walked the Delilah Road but not to the lookout. We make it home by about 3:00. I am tired, but enjoyed the day.
When we got back home, I looked it up and the burn was a structure fire around the Blue Canyon Work Center and my azimuth was pretty much dead-on. The distance, not so much.
Turns out Mich and Jim were at Delilah getting it ready for occupancy. They had seen the fire and called it in at 1030.
Later on Lee told me that Lee and Kathy had seen a mountain lion on the way out. This was above the McKenzie . Wow!

Extra Photo's
Looking down into the Kings from Davis Road

Another perspective

Sampson Flat Area
Lunch-Steven, Sherri and Korra

Walking towards the Unnamed Pond

Sampson Flat

Cabin Remains
Looking North

Cows Retreating

Smoke over Sacata Ridge
Another Smoke picture

Did this really stop us?

Sampson Creek

Panorama of the drainage
Steven, Korra and Sherri Waiting

Gary looking about as good as he could get at the moment

Smoke over Sacata Ridge. Fence Lookout is on the right, we think

Delilah Lookout

Fox Springs from the car

Flowers and Plants

California Indian Pink?

Common Madia

Common Madia

Common Madia

Twining Brodiaea or Snake Lilly

Harvest Brodiea

Harvest Brodiea

Alpine Gold

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