Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 13, 2021 - Davis Road


Title: March 13, 2021 - Davis Road
Hike Info : DescriptionExtra Photo's : Animals : Flowers and Plants

Trail head: Mill Creek Campground
Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail:  Davis Road
Destination:  Davis Flat
Distance:  8.70 miles1
Start Time:  10:02
End Time:     4:25
Travel Time:  6:23 (1.36 mph)
Moving Time:  5:12  (1.67 mph)
Elevation Rise:  1,350'
Descent: 1,343‘
Maximum Elevation: 2,085'  
GPS Tracks
 1I carried both of our GPS’: Garmin 60CSX and Foretex401. After adjusting a bit for the location wobbles when we were stationary, they both came out very close together. Rose’s phone registers a little above 9.5 miles


Gary at the start

Our first “real” hike in awhile, even though it is on a road. We have Rose with us; Betty has other obligations. But more important than me?

Even though it is less than 60 miles from our house, it is almost two hours of driving. So we meet at 8:00am and get on the road pretty quickly after that. We go through a maze of foothill roads until we reach Pine Flat Reservoir. Our destination is on the other side of Pine Flat at Mill Flat campground. We reach that at 9:50. The temp is 51o at the start. But the sun is shining on us, so I go down to a T-shirt and shorts. There is a feeling of coolness, not cold. A great feeling to hike with.



Poppy Field
And now onward with our hike. During the summer and fall when Sherri and I are in Delilah Lookout , the area seems so brown, dry and hot. But during the Winter and early Spring, it is a magical wonderland full of emerald colored hills, flowers and water flowing. This is Rose’s first time in the area and we stop every couple of minutes to examine some new marvel, such as a newly blossomed plant. The road will go gradually up for the first two miles. But, not evenly, it is on a rolling incline. So I am thankful for these small breaks to enjoy these mirific times.

We shortly come to the first checkpoint: the unnamed creek, maybe about half a mile up the road. I told Rose this is a creek I have called Disappointment Creek, mostly because every time I have taken a picture of it I have been disappointed. But on the topo map there is no name so I can call it what I want. I think Rose is drawing the line on me calling a cement water drain a natural formation.



Rose and Sherri at "Disappointment Creek"

  We continue to enjoy the emerald colored hills. But beyond them, we are seeing snow, looking like it starting around 3,000’. This is from a recent storm, so it may melt off quickly.

The road now turns east and we stop at Crabtree for a break time-it is way past elevenses. I devour a Clif bar; Sherri has an Access bar. Three bicyclists pass us-of course we chit-chat with them (Sherri might say it was more of a chinwag on my part. At least it could be a step up from pontificating.) They may be reaching their limits on hill climbing as this is their first outing.



Delilah Lookout from Davis Road
Even though this is our first hike of the season, we will not be stopping here. I figure another hour and a half until we reach my turn-around time. This part of the road, we start rising up really good. But the previous couple of miles I think has loosened my muscles so we can even talk a bit while doing this climb. Another bicyclist passes us-we see him a short ways up chatting to the other three bicyclists. He will pass us again later on.




Davis Flat
One benefit about climbing is that those snow covered mountains are even clearer to see. Even around the Converse Mtn area-not sure if we see the mountain or not-is showing, inviting us to come back and snowshoe, but that is another day.

We now change to the Davis Creek drainage-definitely a smaller creek than Mill Flat Creek. Still there is beauty there. The creek is far beneath us allowing for us to get a good view to the north. Even though we go up pretty good, the creek rises faster. We go around a hill while the creek goes another way. 


Whose Pants?
When we meet up again, the creek is at our level. But there is something else which I start looking for: Delilah Lookout and I found it! Today it seems a lot clearer than when I have seen it before from this road. Also I know that we are close to Davis Flat.

This is good, because I really would like to sit, eat and rest. You can probably guess why. We cross Davis Creek and find the rocks we are familiar with. Time to enjoy lunch, which we do. As we look around us, there is a pair of jeans neatly laid out. The mystery, where are the legs which went into these pants? I do wander to look at the old mine and the shack which we have seen there before.



Rose and Sherri walking the road
It is 2:00pm and now it is time to head back, I am a bit stiff, but as I start walking, the stiffness works out. I fall back as I stop and examine things and even try taking a few pictures. Even with it being easier going down, I fall behind Rose and Sherri. That is OK as I enjoy my time of quiet. With my hiking I enjoy time of friendship, being among those whom I care for. But I also enjoy walking through beauty with my own thoughts and ponderings. On this hike I am getting both-I am blessed. By the way, my thoughts are not great, just enjoying.

Gary in search of a newt

The bike who passed us earlier comes down. We chat for a few minutes. He made it to the approach to Goat Saddle before going through snow got to him. That is a pretty good journey up-about a 2,000’ climb. He goes on and I catch up to Rose and Sherri at Crabtree.

On our final 2+ miles, it is time for some wildlife. No not that kind. First we see a Sierra Newt. This time living. We have seen several dehydrated and squashed-not sure which happened first. Always fun to see them. Then a large bird is circling overhead. It might be an eagle. Or it could be a raven. To me it could be either. An eagle sounds so much better. Then another newt. When I get up from my picture taking, my shovel easily slides down between my underwear and skin. You do not know how thrilling that can be.

We end up at the car with it still being light, around 4:25. We say goodbye to Rose and head off with her following. It has been a good day, tiring though. When we get home after 6:30, Sherri goes out and gets what is becoming our traditional after hike meal, Habit Burger. When I lay down for a few minutes, the next thing I know, Sherri is waking me up to go to bed. I guess I really was tired.




 Extra Photo's

Mill Flat Creek


Davis Road a bit lower at start

Looking north across the Kings

Flowers at Gary's "Disappointment Creek"

Looking towards Converse Mountain

California Golden Poppies

Poppies on a hillside

Flower Photographers


Hills of green

Hillside earth strata

Entrance of Davis Mine

Shack at Davis Flat

Delilah Lookout

Top of where Delilah Lookout sits

Patterson Bluffs



Eagle or Raven

Flowers and Plants



Wood Fern-down a canyon and across Davis Creek

Mountain Monkey Flower


California Golden Poppy



Henderson Shooting Star

Baby Blue Eyes

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