Friday, August 10, 2018

August 10, 2018 - Delilah Lookout

Title: August 10, 2018 - Delilah Lookout
Hike Info : DescriptionExtra Photo's : Animals 

Trail head: Delilah Lookout
Hike Info:
Type: Lookout
Bovine version of an evil eye
I awoke at 0500 and went back and forth to sleep before giving up and getting up at 0540. Normal morning routine of getting ready for lookout-truck packed, making sure we have last minute stuff… Finally around 0725 we leave Fresno and make our way up to Delilah.
Definitely a less exciting drive in than my trip last month. Saw one cow by the road and three in the Sequoia Highlands camp. That one cow definitely has an attitude problem and gives us the evil eye as we pass by. Also several quail scampered along the way. The elderberries are starting to come out, along with a few holly berries-at least they looked like them. Just after Sequoia Highland Camp, we come across a pickup off to the side of the road and dutifully take pictured of it.
We arrive around 0910. And then we start getting ourselves set up at the lookout-unlocking doors, climbing up the stairs, checking water levels and stuff. By the time I get into the cab, it is 0920. So I take our weather-79 degrees with no wind. Sort of explains why the cab is close to 90 degrees in the interior. So I get the fan going to get it cleared out. And now our day really begins.
Looking East
  • 0920 - I take the weather. 79 degrees, 26% relative humidity, no wind, and pretty bad visibility-about 5 miles, or an area of 78 square miles. Usually we have 20 miles of visibility or having to look at around 1250 square miles. Our scans will be a lot faster today. As a note: a lot of the area we cannot see because it is hidden behind ridges and mountains.
  • 0926 - Buck Rock goes into service with both Porterville (PV) and Sierra National Forest (SNF)
  • 0928 - Park Ridge goes into service as well with PV, and we presume SEKI.
  • 0929 - We call up Buck Rock to make sure there is no restrictions on what channels we can use. Such as last time I was up here, the Ferguson Fire took over SNF’s command channel 4. We just do not want to be walking over anything like that. No channel restrictions.
  • 0931 - Delilah, us, go inservice with both PV and SNF
  • 0940 - Time for our first scan of the day. I have talked about what a scan is elsewhere, but basically, we look over all which we can see. We are trying to see signs of smoke. The examination is both with the naked eye, gazing over the territory. But also with binoculars, particularly on parts which are a ways away. When we have good visibility, a scan can take up to 15 minutes, Today, we are pretty much done in five. We try to do about 3-4 scans an hour. Sometimes we even succeed in doing this.
  • 1000 - PV gives the weather and staffing. Radio is a bit muffled. But we have gotten both through an Internet connection.
  • 1018 - Buck Rock calls and asks if we heard the staffing. He wants to know who the duty officer is-BC31.
  • 1100 - SNF does the lookout check-in. So far no trouble communicating on the handheld this year. Yippee!
  • 1237 - H520 out of Trimmer Springs is heading to the Donnell fire around Sonora Pass with 7 souls on board
  • 1250 - AA15 is heading to the Ferguson Fire near Yosemite
  • Several of our folks going in service to patrol areas around the Hume Lake Ranger District.
  • 1343 - There was a message on the radio saying that an aircraft-I do not think I got the ID correct is available with seven jumpers. Turns out it is J52. When I first heard this term I my warped mind goes to a plane with folks going to commit suicide. I know better-these are elite firefighters who will jump into rugged terrain which you cannot get to on foot or vehicle.
  • 1557 - P33 calls in an incident of an unattended campfire. How can people be that way when there is so much burning in California now?
  • 1600 - SNF does the afternoon lookout check in
  • 1705 - Kathy calls to check in on us and make sure we are doing good. Little visibility throughout the day. She thinks that tomorrow will be better. Talked about maps and stuff, as well as where to find the spare insulators if we need them.
  • 1755 - SNF with evening staffing where we and Buck Rock go out of service
  • 1759 - We go out of service, along with Park Ridge and Buck Rock, with PV

Delilah Doe and Fawns
So ends our day. Nothing exciting. Well, we have been visited by Delilah Doe and her two new fawns. Also Sherri saw a couple raptors soaring at least a half mile away. After consulting with some friends on Facebook, we decide it is a juvenile Golden Eagle.
We settle down for a few minutes, then have our dinner of garlic chicken, along with spinach and cheese ravioli. We sort of lounge around and read. I am reading The Accidental President for our OSHER group at the end of the month.

Catwalk Sleeper

Sunset is not very spectacular. Smoke is too dense lower down. I test out could I sleep on the catwalk? If tomorrow night is at all clear, I will try sleeping out there to see the Pleiades meteor shower. I talk with my brother for awhile and then go off to bed, inside the cab, hoping that tomorrow will bring a bit better visibility.

Extra Photo's
One of Delilah's fawns

Delilah Doe and her two fawns
Bear and Bald Mountains of Fresno

Juvenile Golden Eagle

Delilah Doe and a fawn

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