Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019 - Briceburg, the Other Way

Title: March 23, 2019 - Briceburg, the Other Way
Hike Info : DescriptionExtra Photo's : Animals : Flowers and Plants

Trail head: Briceburg
Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail:  Road to Railroad Flat
Destination:  Railroad Flat
Actual Destination:  A little bit before Railroad Flat
Distance:  8.56 miles
Start Time:  9:13
End Time:   1:06
Travel Time:  3:52 (2.21 mph)
Moving Time:  3:21  (2.56 mph)
Elevation Rise:  336'
Descent: 229‘
Maximum Elevation: 1,174'
We walked for wildflowers and got rain. Life could be a lot worse. Somehow I enjoy walking in the rain-but there are limits to that statement. Drizzles are fun; a light rain-enjoyable; a deluge-not so much. We will see what the day brings.
This is a Meetup hike. When I posted it, looked like the rain would only be in the very early morning and pretty light. Sounds good. Even Friday night, the forecast called for a hundredth of an inch when we started hiking. But when I got up Saturday morning, the forecast called for two hours of an eighth of an inch each. Sounds a bit more serious.
Merced River
We all arrive at the parking lot at 7:00am and are ready to go. We are to pick up a person at Four Corners and then meet another at Burger King in Mariposa. In Fresno it is not raining, so that is hopeful. Apparently we missed the person at Four Corners-turns out she arrived about 5 minutes after we left-so close, so far. We take a break in Mariposa. It is raining and raining pretty decently now. I gave our hikers-there are seven of us some modification. But all were interested in hiking the full two hours in and two hours out. What a group!
When we get to Briceburg, any hope of having a dry hike gets dampened. There is a steady beat of water descending on us. Most of us hurry to get ready. I give the group a last chance to shorten the hike, but they are all ready for the full experience. Sherri is having troubles getting her pack cover on her pack; the group takes off and waits on the other side of the bridge; and Pam with her two dogs is off to the races. There is a group picture before we start our hike.
Across the Merced

We head west from the Briceburg Bridge. This is a road to three campground, but is closed right now due to rockslides. Because it follows the Merced River, it is only a gentle decline. Pam and Robert have shot ahead at a good clip. The rest of us are walking pretty nicely, stopping often for pictures. Not many of wildflowers, but many little places where water is running down. Also the wetness is making the greens just glisten. There are reasons to hike in the rain.

Boulders blocking Road
 And the rain, it still is raining and pretty good. Some of us have umbrella’s. Others rain outfits. I do not see any poncho’s-wise people. Both Sherri and I have rain pants and jackets. So we stay comparatively dry. After the hike I see that my pants are damp, but not wet. While my shirt around my stomach is soaked but the top is dry-go figure. Oh yea, for some reason the pocket in my jacket where I kept my camera has a small pool of water. I do not see how that happened. Camera still works. Thankful for that, but I switched over to my phone to take pictures on the way back.

Raingear Not Optional
Our pace has been slow as we have wanted to take pictures of so much. But when I see Pam and Robert coming back up the road, I am thinking it is time to turn around anyway-technically we had another 15 minutes to walk before the two hours going in was up. But with the rain and we all getting drenched, it is a good time to turn back.
The trip back is uneventful. The rain seems to be lighting up. My legs and lungs still feel good. This is a blessing as for the last year and a half, I have been pretty lethargic. Still not up to what I consider my top form for a 65 year old. But better than I was two months ago. Now the question is, will I be ready to walk a half marathon in two weeks? Maybe? Will I make it in under four hours? Probably not. While I used to have a co-worker whose motto was there is no try, only do, to me to try is the main thing, to do is good, but to fail after trying is not a sign of disgrace. Shows the heart is willing but the flesh is weak.
Newts in Love
We get back to the car around 1:00pm, pretty much soaked-but only the outer garments. The bottom of the shirt is wet, the pants damp and I am happy. Several of us go to Mariposa and stop at the old standby for lunch, Happy Burger. Sherri and I stop by Faith’s place, but she is closed. A good day of walking. But now the final words are below

People enjoy hiking on a clear sunshiny day. But say it is going to rain? That discourages a lot of people. It takes a special type of crazy to go out in the rain on a hike and enjoy it. Glad I was with this bunch of crazies.

Extra Photo's
Merced River

From the Briceburg Bridge

Clouds to the East

Rock Garden
Waterfall during Rain

Mud Puddle and Rain

Grasses Glistening Green

Merced River



Flowers and Plants

Raindrop and Redbud




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