Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 21, 2019 - Delilah Lookout

Title: September 21, 2019 - Delilah Lookout
Hike Info : DescriptionMenu : Animals

Trail head: Delilah Lookout
Hike Info:
Type: Lookout

Bald and Bear Mtns
I got up a little bit before the alarm went off at 0545. Got ready and left right about 0700. No traffic on the road and made the time arrived at Delilah at 0840. Now to haul all the stuff up to the top of 80 feet above the car. A little bit different than hauling stuff up to Park Ridge which is only 20 ft.

Activity at the junction of Davis and Delilah Rads

Coming into Delilah there was a lot more on the road then they're usually is. No cows but there was work being done over on Millwood Road on McKenzie Ridge. Wendy send out an email later on saying that they were getting ready possibly for another prescribed burn there. Then met a couple of electrician trucks who is looking for a cabin but wasn't sure where. Their supervisor was about two miles down the road looking for where looking for the address which he had.
Celeste's view of Delilah's interior
I got everything up and situated by 0910. Took the weather and went into service at 0930. I had meant to bring along Sherri laptop but I forgot it. So I'm doing everything on my iPad and phone like looking up the weather and staffing. That is pretty easily done just looking at things is a bit harder not nearly as nice as Sherri laptop.
Last time I was at Delilah, Kathy and I talked a bit afterwards. She reported that the next person after us had a bat fly out of the cab. Today I had a dead bird on the catwalk. Looks like it had gotten stuck trying to come up through the grates. I put some gloves on me and disposed of the bird.
Dinner at Delilah for one
After the 1000 weather I got out Celeste. The telescope was able to pick out some things for me and I played around with that in between doing my scans. There is not much activity around our area-radio is pretty silent. So in some ways it makes it easier to to do the scans to look for the smokes, I do not need to divide my attention as much to the radio. There is not much to perk ones attention while doing the scans. I use the binoculars, but once I pick up something interesting, I use Celeste to verify what I see. I did not find any smokes today, which is a good thing. Note: something interesting can be anything from a cloud formation, something on top of a far peak or activity along a road.

With things being quiet, I add in the radio channel for SEKI. Even there, it is mostly traffic stop chatter. Not too much happened this day. So at 1800 went out of service. Then had my dinner of a cheese omelette. After dinner, went down for a walk , where a pleasant sunset was taking place. When I got back, called up Sherri, then called it a night.

Peanut Butter, Nutella, Sandwiches
Cheese Omelette, muffins, a couple Milano cookies
nuts and strong cheese.

Our dead bird

Crow a ways away in a tree

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