Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February 25, 2020 - Pincushion

Title: February 25, 2020 - Pincushion
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Animals : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail: Pincushion
Destination: Pincushion
Distance:  2.41 miles
Start Time: 10:45
End Time:     1:42
Travel Time:  2:56 (0.82 mph)
Moving Time:  1:52 (1.29 mph)
Elevation Rise:  977'
Descent: 948‘
Maximum Elevation: 1,527'
This is the same hike we did in January, only this time we will try to make it to the top of Pincushion instead of the knoll before it. Also today we should be able to better see instead of the clouds and fog of last month. The other change is that not only Sherri and I are climbing up to Pincushion, but Steven our son is coming as well.
We leave our house a bit before 10. I have been dragging this morning. For the past several days, the back has been bothering me. But as I move, as in hiking, I usually feel better. It is about a 50-60 minutes drive, mostly the time, but not the miles are going down Sky Harbor Road. We get to the Fine Gold parking lot, within Millerton State Park. I love that we have an old-age pass which gets us in free to California state parks at certain times of the year.
Sherri on the trail
We start walking a little before 11. We already know this trail is nothing but up and up and up. Steven gets a little ahead of us and finds a cow and her calf blocking the way. So what do you do? You call in the person whose trail name is cow shouter to shoo away the bovine. As usual, she does a wonderful job.

Steven confronting a cow

Steven zooms ahead of us-it turns out he reaches the top about a half an hour in front of us. This leaves the old people to be huffing and puffing up the trail. A trio of females from Madera pass us. But we sort of go back and forth with them. We all stop and admire the surroundings from the hill we climbed before. Also see the last 180’ up to Pincushion.

Steven on top of Pincushion
This last 180’ is a bit more rugged going up, with many places to do a bit of minor rock holding. And yes our Madera friends pass us again. But we all gather in at the top. We have a 360o view from up here. A bit of a hazy day, but enough clarity we can see the snow up at the 8,000’ level. We rest and devour an energy bar before heading back down.

Sherri Coming Down An Interesting Place

And now we go back. Sherri and I take our time going down. We take our time, making sure we have good footing. One time my foot slips, not badly, but enough to let me know that my back is still there.

Steven and Sherri going back the way we came up
When we get to the bottom of the hill, before the knoll, we decide to go around on a trail-it saves is from going up the 50’ and then back down. The other thing is that I see that this is not just a work around the knoll, but across from the path-road? which we came up. This is the path which we used to come up some years ago. I decide I will go down this way, while Sherri and Steven decide to go down the other. Mine is a single track, without signs of erosion. The other way can accommodate at least three across if not four, if that part of the path is not eroded. Also in most places it does not seem as steep, but that may be an illusion.

My path goes down and meets the San Joaquin River trail at a saddle. Then I go about a quarter mile before meeting up with Sherri and Steven. So it is longer, which in this case is a good thing. The longer the trail, the less of a grade, for the most part. We make it back to the car around 3. Then take off for pizza at Pieology. After eating, my back decides to act up and it takes me awhile to get up from my seat and get to the car. But we make it home OK. Now for a shower, some heat on the back and hopefully the pain will go away.

Extra Photo's

Our trail up

House across the lake

Upper end of Millerton Lake
A bend in the lake

Steven going down the trail

Looking west from Pincushion-Millerton Lake

A little snow on the Sierra

Fine Gold area

My alternative trail


A Woodpecker, maybe a Downey

Crows in flight

More crows in flight

Flowers and Plants

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