Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17, 2020 - Chicago Stump and Road 13S03

Title: June 17, 2020 - Chicago Stump and Road 13S03
Hike Info : Description : Trail LessonsExtra Photo'sFlowers and Plants

Delilah and Road 13S03

Trail head: Chicago Stump Trailhead
Hike Info:
Type: Hiking 
Trail: Chicago Stump Trail and Road 13S03
Destination:  None-just wandering
Distance:  3.22 miles
Start Time: 11:33
End Time:    2:23
Travel Time:  2:50 (1.14 mph)
Moving Time:  2:06 (1.53 mph)
Elevation Rise:  666'
Descent: 465‘
Maximum Elevation: 6,647'

I am glad I went on this walk for several reasons. First, I have not really been in the area before. Next got to see Delilah from a different view. Third, I figured out how badly out of shape I am in. Having been thankful for all of that, would I put this down as a hike to look forward to doing again? Probably not. Even though at certain times of the year, early Spring or late Fall this might be nice. But probably the gate to the area will be closed.
Sherri and Steven hiking
I get up around 6:15, knowing that we will not be going anytime soon. Steven is up with Korra around that time. But Sherri is up later on. I think we leave a little before 10am. Sherri is driving. Korra is not used to being driven and it upsets her tummy. But on the whole, she travels without too much bother.

We stop at the Grant Grove visitor center-it is closed due to the virus. But the restrooms are open. We decide that we will head towards the Converse Basin and decide what to do there. The Chicago Stump sounds like a good place to go. I suggest we can also hike some on Verplank Ridge.
Gary and the Chicago Stump
Steven and Korra
The hike to Chicago Stump is really nice-also short, only a quarter mile or so, one way. Only people on it, until we came out. The stump is huge. No wonder the people back East did not believe. Who would? As has been observed before, it was a sad day when this magnificent tree was cut down only to be scoffed at.
Coming out, there were four people coming by who were not wearing masks-we were, when we saw them from a ways away.. We put on our masks and stepped off the trail. I think they were pretty oblivious to any need to have protection.
Now where to? I suggest we go down a road which I had not been down before, Road 13S03. It follows Verplank Ridge. Nobody else has a better idea, so off we go. We walk back to the junction. There I find a wall and wonder what the wall is for. 
Rock Wall
There is a chained gate which we go through-it is a forest service area. The gate is to keep cows from grazing outside of their confines. It does seem strange to have cows wandering around so close to the park, but never seeing them.

Guardian Bovines

We soon do see them as they herd together a little ways down the road. Not sure who is more concerned-them or us. They have horns while we have poles and a dog. They back away-I wonder for how long? But as indicated, this is a dirt road. It does not look like it is driven often-there are some tire tracks in the dust. And it is that word, dust which may describe the road. I think the cows' hooves have pulverized the road’s dirt. While not choking, it has a feeling of we will need a shower when we come out.
Hilltop lunch
There is a little ephemeral creek following the road for a ways. And where there is water, plant life will follow. Which means we are gladdened by the sight of color from an assortment of flowers. We meet up with our bovine friends again. This time we decide to head up a hill to have lunch. It is a nice little spot-just glad it is not a hot day. We can see some of the surrounding area and to the park boundary.
Now back to the road, and the cows. They seem to be driven off by our presence. For now, they exit the road and go down a ravine. While the road is hot and dusty, fortunately the day is not. After a decline of about a mile, there is a leveling where we go over some small ridges.
Korra keeping watch on the cowe
We meet the cows again. I think Korra is getting more fascinated by them. She does not chase them but eyes them. Steven has her under pretty good control.
I have been glancing over to the west. McKenzie Ridge is what we see. Sort of interesting seeing the back side of McKenzie from what we normally see. But what I am really looking for is Delilah. We top a ridge and I think it is time to turn back. The road will take another long descent. But I go over a ways to the edge and spot Delilah! Now I am satisfied.Of course, from this distance, even under full 30x magnification, Delilah looks pretty small. Now I wonder how much we are actually seeing through our binoculars from Delilah.
Walking Road 13S03

Time to start back. Korra and Steven are setting a pretty good pace. Even Sherri is doing well. Me? Well I am trudging along, falling further back until Sherri waits for me to catch up-sounds familiar? Sounds more like role reversal.

Not a whole lot of interesting stuff on the way back. It is just the reverse of what we did coming forward. When we reach the top, we poke around the rock wall and only discover there is cement dumped around the bottom. Also there is a mound behind it, like a retaining wall. Wonder if it was a mine or something.
Steven has moved up the car a little ways. Bless you my son. Steven is driving us back and I am with Korra. Both of us nod off at times. No stopping for food on the way back-not sure if it is a positive or not. We make it back home before the 5:00pm traffic. Maybe not content, but happy.
Delilah Lookout

Trail LessonAn early start avoids the heat.

Extra Photo's
Backside of McKenzie Ridge
Korra chasing a lizard

Pine Ride and Delilah Lookout

Bear Mountain in the background

Terraced Manzanita?

Flowers and Plants

Indian Paintbrush

Blue Elderberry

Blue Elderberry

Blue Elderberry

Mountain Strawberry

Young Sequoia Gigantiea

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