Tuesday, April 19, 2022

April 19, 2022 - North Grove and Dead Giant Loops


Title: April 19, 2022 - North Grove and Dead Giant Loops

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: General Grant Tree Parking Area

Trail: North Grove and Dead Giant Loops

Destination: North Grove Loop

Distance:  3.23 miles

Start Time: 11:57

End Time:    2:53

Travel Time: 2:55  (1.11 mph)

Moving Time: 2:21   (1.37 mph)

Elevation Rise:  661'

Descent: 660‘

Maximum Elevation: 6,327'

GPS Tracks



Gary with the Sequoias

We were going to go to Yosemite today with Jessi, but the weather forecast scared us off. On the other hand, the rain was not forecasted to get as far down as Grant Grove. So Sherri and I decided to go up there for a day.

There was no hurry to get up there, so we managed to leave around 10:20. The trip up is uneventful and takes a little bit more than an hour to get to the Grant Grove parking area. By this time it is 11:45. It still takes us about 25 minutes to get our boots moving towards the trailhead.

Lately when I have been hiking, I have gone down to my T-shirt and shorts. But today is a bit cool, actually pretty cool. So long pants and a long sleeve shirt are in order for me-Sherri is even a bit more bundled up. 



Looking up the trunks of Sequoias
Our route takes us down an old road which is the start of the North Grove Loop. Usually we go clockwise, but to be different, it is a counter-clockwise day. The first quarter mile is pretty level, but then it drops. We are too busy gawking at the Sequoias really to pay too much attention to the road as it starts its descents. I have always been enamored by a couple of Sequoias at the top of this descent. They do not seem as imposing as when you come from the bottom. The little meadow right afterwards is still recovering from the Winter. We will see more of it again later in the season.

Forest being rejuvinated

All of which I can say is: there are more Sequoias. It is hard to look at other things when you walk through these tall and big trees. Your heart can only rise try to meet the heights of these trees. If only I could reach to the heavens like these trees do.
Scorched trees







We now come to the west end of the loop and the scenery changes. The change is that six and a half years ago the Rough Fire stormed up through this part of the ridge. We see the forest being rejuvenated where it was not badly burnt. There is low level green sprouting up. But then a hundred yards later, there is nothing but blackened forests.Reminds me of blackened matchsticks. We quickly go through this section, saying “hi” to a few folks who are coming clockwise. 

Gary looking at Lake Sequoia

When we come to the junction with the Dead Giant Trail, we have a decision to make: have we had enough for today or go and do the Dead Tree Trail? We decide to do more-sort of our modus operandi. But first, let's find a log and have lunch.

After lunch, we continued down the road for a quarter mile or so, rounding a meadow with an unnamed creek draining into it. Sort of a quiet space so close to the hustle and bustle of the General Grant Tree. A long dead Sequoia lays across it, even in its mortality it attests to its inherit majesty.



Life on top of the Dead Giant

When we get to the loop, we go clockwise, which is contrary to our normal way. It is pleasant walking along and in a few minutes, we get to an overlook to
Sequoia Lake. A really peaceful look. We then go on around the loop, to the Dead Giant. It is an imposing tree-I wonder what it looked like in its prime. While taking a picture, I noticed a twig with some pine needles on the top of it. Even in death, these giants give life.

A few steps later, we encountered three girls, they are young to me, probably in their 20’s.. Turns out they are from Nashville. I give them a few pointers-I guess I fall into the tour guide mode naturally. Nashville is where Rachel will be this weekend, to run a race. Coincidence? I wonder.



Downed Giant Sequoia



We now make our trip back up the slope to the parking area. It's a bit harder going up than down. Still it is a good walk. Just before we get to the parking area, we fall into a conversation with another older couple. A long conversation about all the good things there is to experience we have each done in our retirement.




Looking down into Redwood Canyon
And then it is back to the car. We go on, but I am wondering if Burton Road is open. So we get to Quail Flat. Nope, Burton Road is still closed. On the way back, we stopped at an overlook and looked into the destruction which the KNP Complex did in Redwood Canyon. So sad. We then go on back down to Fresno, getting back just before 5pm.

Extra Photo's

Nicely shaped Giant Sequoia

Sherri approaching the Dead Giant

Delilah Lookout

Sherri on the prowl

A couple of Sequoias growing together

Gary looking up a couple of Sequoias

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