Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 14, 2023 - Lewis Creek


Title: November 14, 2023 - Lewis Creek
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: Cedar Valley

Trail: Lewis Creek

Destination: Red Rock Falls

Distance:  6.59 miles 1

Start Time: 9:50

End Time:  3:30

Travel Time: 5:40  (1.16 mph)

Moving Time: 4:33   (1.45 mph)

Elevation Rise:  1,537'

Descent: 1,544‘

Maximum Elevation: 4,321'

GPS Tracks

  1The GPS shut off before the end of the trail. There is about a half mile missing from the original. On the attached GPX file, I have filled in the remaining portion of the trail from another GPX file.


Lewis Creek
I woke up at 6:30-maybe a bit earlier than I meant to, but not unreasonable. About the time I finished my granola breakfast, Sherri and Steven got up. I washed dishes and finished getting ready. We managed to leave by 8:30-mostly because they were waiting on me. On our way out, we met Don-talked for about ten minutes before we headed out.







Steven on the trail
Of course, we do need to know where we are going. We know the general direction: north along 41. We are leaning towards either Lewis Creek or Wawona. But there are also other options such as a Forest Service Road out of Yosemite West, Miami Mountain or even Briceberg. When we roll through Oakhurst Sherri is asleep and Steven is involved in something on his tablet. So it is up to me.

 When I see the sign for Cedar Valley, the start of the Lewis Creek Trail, so I take the road down. We take the usual 15-20 minutes to get ready to get ready to hit the trail. While getting ready, a white car drives up with a couple females. As we are leaving, they ask a couple of questions about the trail. Sherri and Steven leave-they know how I can take a simple question and stretch that into an elaborate answer. And I do just that.




Corileu Falls

I take off with the ladies. We talk about various things-both how easy it is to take your own home turf for granted, and how you need to look beyond the obvious at the common. About the time we caught up with Sherri and Steven, I introduced us and asked their names: Bonnie and Sherri. Notice the name-same spelling as my Sherri! They are from San Luis Obispo. We would catch up to them at both the bottom and top of Corileu Falls.

On other trips I have described the trail. While the route is about the same and so is the climb to Corileu Falls, the condition of the trail is different. Last Winter’s storms have done a number on the trail. It will get worse as we climb up the slope which Corileu comes down. But before we ascend, we gawk at Corileu. Corileu is always something to look at, even this late in the season.

Crossing a washed out section of trail
Bonnie and Sherri asked if it was worthwhile going to the top. Yep! is the answer, even though down here is more attractive. So they leave while we finish gawking. We climb up-Sherri and Steven go up the shorter, but harder way, while I take a more leisurely track. We meet Bonnie and Sherri for the last time when we reach the top-they are about to go on down.

We rest for a few minutes, complete with Jelly Bellies. Then off we go. This section is only a gradual climb. The junction with the trail from Highway 41, there are signs warning that the bridge is out. We knew this already. Yesterday the Sierra Seniors hiking group had done this same trail. Judy’s comment was that the group had developed a new game-inching along the logs. We follow suit. The only one of us who got wet was Korra who enjoyed her splashing.

Gary crossing Lewis Creek sans bridge
For some reason after crossing Lewis Creek, I started feeling tired. Not sure why, but I could tell as I have lost the spring in my step, particularly going uphill. Still the trail gives me enough reason to stop and look. Autumn has hit these trees big time. Mostly in the form of yellowing leaves, interspersed with flaming red. The trail goes up, but more in a rolling manner. Eventually we came to Red Rock Falls.

Steven on the trail
Steven and Korra are waiting for us. There we have lunch and rest. And I rest some more. I do not take the opportunity to go down to the bottom of the falls-and neither does anybody else. After sitting around for a half an hour, we started off. Steven and Korra take off, while Sherri and I take a more leisurely pace. But we are mostly going downhill, so my lack of energy is not a factor.


Top of Red Rock Falls



One thing I noticed since the last time I was up here was how much graffiti there is. Rocks have been tagged; the ends of fallen trees are tagged. Do these people think that their “art” improves on nature? Or are we just showing our falleness? Also there is a lot of litter. Unfortunately I do not have any garbage bags in my pack, so I am not on litter patrol today.



Sherri traversing a fallen log

Steven is waiting for us at the Lewis Creek crossing. We know what we are doing crossing the creek, so not nearly as exciting crossing it the second time. Since Steven and Korra are moving faster, Sherri gives them the car keys and they take off. Going down the slope is a bit more challenging than going up, for some reason. Looking down rocks with scree on them is never a calming look in my book.

But we make it down without mishap and pause at Corileu Falls. For some reason, in the subdued light the Falls look better than we saw them in the morning. So what can we do, but stop and look for a while. We then continue our return trip back to the car around 3:30-Steven and Korra are patiently waiting for us.

So the only question remaining is what do we want to do for nourishment? That gives us about 15 minutes from leaving the trailhead at 3:45 to make a decision. Since Steven brought along a flask from Southgate, that is our destination. We must have hit the sweet spot as Southgate is usually crowded-today, we got right in and are served. One thing you do not have to worry about Southgate is if their food will be any good-it is. The only decision is what to choose. I had a chicken Philly sandwich. It was soooo good. We made it back to Fresno before 6pm. In time to take a shower before Jeopardy. Another good day.

 Extra Photo's

Korra enjoying Lewis Creek


Korra and Lewis Creek

Steven and Korra

Corileu Falls

Us: Gary, Sherri, Steven and Korra

Autumn Leaves

Gary after crossing Lewis Creek

Sherri crossing Lewis Creek

Sherri walking the trail

Autumn Coloring

Colorful Tree

Sherri among the trees

Autumn Leaves

Flowers and Plants

Poison Oak

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