Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10, 2024 - Wawona Meadow

 Title: May 10, 2024 - Wawona Meadow

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking 

Trail head: Wawona Parking Lot

Trail: Wawona Meadows Loop

Destination: Loop

Distance:  4.06 miles 1

Start Time:  1:34

End Time:    4:16

Travel Time: 2:42  (1.50 mph)

Moving Time: 2:23 (1.70 mph)

Elevation Rise:  461'

Descent: 480‘

Maximum Elevation: 4,257'

GPS Tracks

  1Steven’s Strava had 4.2 miles.
Poppies and Lupine


Today is going to be a full day. I slept well and got up at 6:30; Sherri got up shortly afterwards at 7. She has an 8am dentist appointment. Then I have my Osher Book Club between 9:30 and 11:00. We are discussing a book called Untold Power about Edith Wilson, Woodrow Wilson’s wife. I am ready to go at 11:02. We actually leave at 11:15.

I think it will take about an hour and a half to get to Wawona. I am wrong. Sherri is driving and will drive us all the way up to Wawona. But my timing did not account for a half an hour wait to get into Yosemite. So we get there about 1:15. After visiting the bathroom, we are ready to go. I ask at the Visitor Center about the weather. I am told there is a warning about Thunderstorms.

We started walking about 1:35. But even before I have traveled a few feet, there is lupine and poppies blooming. So beautiful, just waiting for a picture to be taken. Sherri, Steven, Korra and Friday have crossed the highway and start walking. As I catch up with them, I realize that maybe my hamstring may not be too much of an issue today. But we will see at the end of the walk.

Gary among the dogwood

 We have walked this loop many times. So the terrain and route is very familiar. I will not include too much description about the trail.

More flowers are seen. I think there is a bumblebee on some apple blossoms. About a mile later, the dogwoods start-they keep going almost all the way until we get back to the parking area. In the meantime, there are butterflying flittering by. We also see a lizard trying to pretend that he is not there.

Lunch Time




Like any good walk, we also want to stop and enjoy a bite of lunch. There is a favorite rock where we have eaten at before. So we stop there, eat, rest, and enjoy the blossoms around us. The dogs seem to also enjoy the rest.




We are just a little less than half way around. A family with a couple of dogs pass us by. They do not get too far behind them for most of the rest of the trip. Steven and I discussed last night’s book group-the book was She-Hulk Goes to Murderworld. This helps to keep the steps flying by.

I do not know if it is the beauty of the dogwoods giving Friday motivation, but she makes it about three miles before she starts to get tired. Steven has been carrying her carrier. In goes Friday. She rides high on Steven’s back, looking out over her subjects. I also realize that my hamstring must be much better as it is felt only a little bit. Not enough to drag me down. Still I am mindful not to stress it out too much.

Creek Crossing, Sherri Style

When we come back to the parking lot, I go by the Visitor Center, primarily to use the facilities. But I also asked my new favorite volunteer, Colleen, about the trail to
Alder Falls. She says that it is free with no restrictions. Maybe a few tree falls. 






Steven and Friday
We left the parking lot about 4:40. Sherri saw a BBQ place in North Fork. The place is called, simply enough, North Fork American BBQ.There seems to be some confusion.Sherri orders the pulled pork sandwich-called the Carolina Pig, while both Steven and I order Tri-Tip Sandwiches. We were thinking that the bill was a bit high for what we ordered. Sherri gets hers, but instead of two Tri-Tips and out comes three. That explains the bill. We get an apology. We go ahead and take the third sandwich as a to-go. We arrive home a few minutes before 7, in time for Jeopardy.

Extra Photo's

Steven examining dogwood

Steven and his followers-Korra and Friday




Sierra Alligator Lizard

Sierra Alligator Lizard???

California Bumble bee

Turkey Vultures

Turkey Vultures

Flowers and Plants



California Golden Poppy

Black Oak Leaves



Apple Trees



Hartweg Iris



Snow Plant


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