Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024 - Backpacking From Lower Twin Lakes


Title: July 21, 2024 - Backpacking From Lower Twin Lakes
Hike Info : Description : Menu : Extra Photo'sFlowers and Plants
Hike Info:

Type: Backpacking

Trail head: Lower Twin Lakes

Trail: 24E03 - California Riding and Hiking Trail

Destination: Potter Pass Trailhead

Distance:  3.3 miles1

Elevation Rise:  807'

Descent: 1,138‘

Maximum Elevation: 8,984'

 1Just the reverse of yesterday.


There is no reason to get up before sunrise, but I do. With one bar on my phone, and only my phone to do a lightning report, I won’t be issuing one this morning, nor was I planning on doing it. So why get up? Particularly since my silly CGM went off twice last night with a false low sugar. I think it is that my body cycle is tuned that way.

Rachel and Steven getting breakfast ready
The benefit of being the first one up is I get to see the sunrise. And I was greatly rewarded when I went north on the little ridge we are camped on and came to a reasonable overlook. The morning sunrise was glorious, Bright oranges, and blazing yellows filled me with awe. What will that bright morning be like when He returns?

Even once the sun has risen, I am still alone and enjoying the solitude of being out here. After a while the others rise from their slumbers. I get some more water and all are up. Rachel gets the pot of water boiling for oatmeal this morning. Then time to pick up camp. If anything, today might be hotter than yesterday, so we are trying for an earlier walk back to beat the heat. Also Rachel will be going back to LA tonight. 





Even with the emphasis of an earlier start, we leave about 9:20. I am still carrying a full pack, maybe a few pounds lighter with the food we have eaten. The kids go on ahead and Sherri and I move along at our pace. I examine a few flowers which I did not see before, finding the fragrant scent of pennyroyal lightening my senses, for one. There are meadows below Lower Twin Lakes which we are blessed to gaze upon.

We have passed by
Round Meadow. I had not realized how much of a slant that was on, but when I took a picture, it was evident. The trail is a glandular incline until just before we reach the junction with the trail to Potter Pass. I realize that even though I could go all the way with the pack, it would not have been a pleasurable experience for me. I offload the food to Steven and the tent to Rachel. This relieves me of about 10 pounds. It is an easier walk, even though I am not bounding up to the top of Potter Pass, I feel better than I would have.


Steven and Sherri almost to the car

We stopped under a tree at Potter Pass and rested for about 15 minutes before continuing down the south side of the Pass. It is two miles back to the car. There are areas of exposure, but we are going downhill. Since we came up this yesterday, we are familiar with the scenery and make good progress. A little before 12:30 we made it back to the car.

By 1:00, we are in the car, with Steven driving, on the way back to Fresno. But first we stop at Shaver Lake Pizza-Rachel has phoned in our order, so it is ready for us. And there are tables available as well for all, except Korra. No canines in this establishment. The pizza is good. Shaver Lake is quickly becoming our favorite establishment after hiking. Then Steven takes us down to Fresno. We spend a couple of hours showering and resting before Rachel takes off to her home.






Oatmeal and add-ins, such as, strawberries, nuts, granola. Tang.

Shaver Lake Pizza


Clif Bar, GORP, Jelly Belly

Extra Photo's


Sherri, Gary, and Rachel Resting on top of Potter Pass

Round Meadow

Sherri amd Gary going past a meadow below Lower Twin Lake

Rachel getting her group shot ready

Camp area

Rachel's group shot-Rachel, Steven, Korra, Sherri, Gary

Morning at Lower Twin Lake

Clouds from on top of Potter Pass

Gary and Sherri walking

Gary crossing the walkway

Sherri and Rachel

Steven, Korra, Rachel and Sherri

Coming down from Potter Pass

Rachel and China Peak

Huntington Lake

Flowers and Plants

Maybe sulfur Flowers


Scarlett Gilia

Mariposa Lily

Meadow Larkspur

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