Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29, 2016 - Alder Creek Falls and Back

Title: May 29, 2016 - Alder Creek Falls and Back
Hike Info : Description : Trail LessonsMenu : Extra Photo'sFlowers and Plants

Trail head: Deer Camp
Hike Info:
Type:  Hiking
Trail: Alder Creek Trail
Destination:Alder Creek Falls
Distance: 6.20 miles
Start Time: 10:18
End Time:    4:12
Travel Time: 5:53 (1.05 mph)
Moving Time: 3:30 (1.77 mph)
Elevation Rise: 1,011'
Maximum Elevation: 6,520'

I am the first one awake, at least I do not see anybody else. So I do an early walk up the trail going east from Deer Camp. Gets a bit steep, not real steep, but enough that I am glad to be out for a walk. Even at a slow pace I was breathing heavily.  After about 20 minutes, I turn around. Nothing special so far, just pleasant to be alone.

Railroad bed
When I almost get to camp, I meet Michelle. Since nobody else is up, we walk along the old railroad bed. The bed has a slope on one side and berm on the other and a nice flat place to walk, except for how overgrown it was. We made a lot of detours around brush and rock until we sort of ran out of land as it overlooked the creek we need to cross today. So we returned the way we came. by this time Wayne was up and starting up their breakfast. Shortly afterwards Sherri emerged from the tent as well.

After breakfast we take off down the trail. There is three differences from the trail we were traveled yesterday and today's:
  1. We are no longer following a railroad bed
  2. We are traveling downhill
  3. This trail has not been maintained for years
Michelle and Sherri on trail
 We quickly come to the little creek and there is a way across-two weeks ago it was getting one's feet wet. There is a short steep slope and then down another slope to cross another small creek, scrambling up a slope and then a some pleasant hiking down to Alder Creek. Decisions, decisions, decisions. When my daughter and I came up this, a couple of weeks ago a crossing about a third of a mile down was a bit much for her-not so much treacherous, just down right cold. So after a few minutes of talking we decided to stay on the south side of the creek, and not cross it two times. This involves a little bit of following a deer track, going around brush and down a bit of rock until we rejoined the trail.

Little water on rock
Now it is about a mile and a half later, after passing by some weeping rocks, a creek or two and the the portal into a new universe. On the last, there are two posts on either side of the trail-the purpose I do not know, but I suspect it may have been support for crossing the creek. Of course, it looks like something from Dr Who or Star Trek.

Alder Falls

Once we traverse the portal, we take a few steps and pop out onto Alder Creek going over the top. It is a magical area. About five more minutes of  we get the full effect of the falls. This is Wayne and Michelle's first time here and they are in awe of it. This is a good place for lunch and we take advantage of it. The allure of these falls has always captured my mind.

Also there is an English guy and his girlfriend about to leave. I talk with him a bit and give them some ideas about where they could go in the Valley without encountering a lot of crowds.

Wayne creating a crossing

 Now it is time to return. We start by retracing our steps. When we get to the place where we hit the trail after avoiding two creek crossings, we see that someone has thrown some sticks across.  I just use these to cross, Sherri wobbles, but successfully navigates the crossing. In a couple of months she will need to navigate worse crossing. Unlike me, Wayne is more thoughtful towards his wife. He gathers up more sticks and makes a stable crossing for her.
Sherri Crossing

Now for a decision: do we take a different, but longer route back, or cross the creak a second time and take the way we came? I think we all are a bit tired and decided to return the way we came.

After a second creek crossing, I see someone is camped in my usual camp spot. Some how I wander over and talk with them for awhile, while Sherri, Michelle and Wayne continue on back to camp. They are from San Luis Obispo, with relations in Fresno. They were looking for a nice short, but not very busy spot to spend Memorial Day. They won out with this spot.
Happy Michelle

It is time for me to take off again. Fortunately for me, the gang had stopped about a third of a mile up the trail for a few minute break. Wayne goes ahead and clears the trail of many of the obstacles we encountered this morning. He has more energy than me.

I am glad to hit camp. The cloud cover has returned and there is a few drops which fell on us. is this a prelude or just all which will dampen us? We prepare for more rain, but that is all which falls, about two minutes of drops.

It is time for dinner-Beef Strognoff for us. Sherri has added some dehydrated cream cheese from a can she ordered from Honeyville Farms. Pretty good. Gives it a smooth texture and a bit more taste.

We lounge around a bit more and talk. But as it grows dark, we hit the tent. Sherri and I try to get a movie to play on my phone, but we cannot get the sound to work. But we are tired and it is time for bed. Good night.

Alder Falls

Trail Lesson: Sometimes by taking a few more minutes and clearing the way, you can make everyone's life easier.

 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Oatmeal and add-ins, such as dried peaches, strawberries, nuts, granola. Tang. Peanut Butter and Nutella on crackers Beef Strogonoff

Clif Bar, Jelly Bellies, CytoMax, GORP, Bank Balls

Extra Photo's
Alder Creek below the Falls

Alder Creek

Sherri on the way back

Unnamed creek

Flowers and Plants

Pink Alumroot

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