Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 1, 2020 - Buena Vista Peak


Title: October 1, 2020 - Buena Vista Peak

Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail: Buena Vista Peak Trail
Destination:  Buena Vista Peak
Distance:  2.38 miles
Start Time: 1:20
End Time:  3:35
Travel Time: 2:14  (1.07 mph)

Moving Time: 1:18  (1.83 mph)
Elevation Rise:  671'
Descent: 670‘ 1

Maximum Elevation: 7,589' 1

GPS Tracks

 1Elevation did not register on the GPS. The elevations recorded are from Google Earth’s computations.


Last Sunday while at Park Ridge, I decided I really needed to get out and hike some. So a goal is to go out and hike once a week. That is easier said than done. Looking at the calendar, it is a case of “what do I” want to miss. But Thursday looked promising as we only had a 6:30 Family meeting to work around.

I get up at my normal time and take Korra for a walk. Then I do some things here and there. Sherri gets up a bit later. We do not seem to be in much hurry to leave. Finally about 11:15 we are ready to go. Sky is pretty smokey and the air quality in Fresno is lousy. We are hoping for something better up in Kings Canyon. All of the National Forests are closed because of the concern over fire. Today, Sequoia National Park is opening, but we are much too late to go that way.

SQF Pyrocumulus



We get to Grant Grove and decide that we do not have much time to really hike today. But at least we have gotten out and about. So Buena Vista Peak is a short, 2 mile hike. So we take off down the General’s Highway. Buena Vista Peak is just inside of Kings Canyon National Park, so we are legal there.

Smoke to the West

We get to the trailhead around 1:00pm. By the time we get ready, we are out of practice in the “get going” part of the trip. It is 1:20. And no lunch yet. The trip up is uneventful, but pleasant. There are only a few flowers to see. I think most of the forest is getting ready for its dormant season.
Buck Rock stands off, providing us with a visual reference point. We walk up at a slow pace. I can feel that my lungs are not used to doing anything but the flat ground around Fresno. But it is not a steep hike, just one which keeps going up for a mile.

Us-Gary and Sherri

At the top of Buena Vista Peak, there are some sights to be seen. Buck Rock for starters. But to the south, just over
Big Baldy Ridge, Sherri catches a glimpse of a pyrocumulus cloud. This is from the SQF Complex Fire, about 40 miles to the south of us. It is a reminder that the fire is still burning pretty good. When our eyes look to the west,we see smoke with very few things sticking out. Not the normal Fall haze, but smoke which obliterates the view past Redwood Mountain. In a perverse way, it is pretty. Even Redwood Canyon at our feet is pretty obscured. Evidently we are right at the edge of the smoke layer.





Buck Rock Lookout

After lunch and picture taking, I phoned Buck Rock. When you are on the radio, opening is: the entity which you want to speak to, followed by who you are. In this phone conversation, Mich answered “Buck Rock”. I say “Buena Vista Peak”. Silence on the other end, then I identify myself. Followed by mutual laughter. We exchanged what we are seeing and how we are doing. 

Sherri- socially distance hug


It is a little after 2:30 now. So it is time to start getting back to the car. We make the return trip, a bit easier and with no trouble. But we do notice that the smoke is now giving everything a decidedly orange tint. This is making some interesting coloring on plants and trees. Such as the bark of the pines are decidedly more vibrant. The plants show a much more autumnish shade. While I prefer smokeless skies, I will say the sunlight filtered through smoke gives an interesting texture.



Sherri goes a few trees socially distance hugs before we make it back to the car. Pleasant day, with no drama. Now the trick is to do this at least once a week. We get back to Fresno by 5:00pm, as if we planned it that way. We order a Habit burger and are all clean and content to talk with the family by 6:30.

Extra Photo's

Buck Rock Lookout
Gary talking with Buck Rock Lookout

Mt Goddard

Hume Lake and Spanish Mountain

Gary walking along

Sherri coming down from Buena Vista Peak

Buena Vista Peak-border of smoke

Sherri, the socially distanced tree hugger

Sherri walking the trial in an orange light

One of many whale rocks in the Sierra

We were being watched.



Flowers and Plants


Wild Onion?

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