Monday, October 19, 2020

October 19, 2020 - Mariposa Grove


Title: October 19, 2020 - Mariposa Grove
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:
Type: Hiking
Trail: Washburn, Grizzly Giant, Outer Loop
Destination: Mariposa Grove
Actual Destination: Grizzly Giant and beyond
Distance:  6.90 miles
Start Time:  9:54
End Time:   4:08
Travel Time:  6:14 (1.11 mph)

Moving Time:  4:17 (1.61 mph)
Elevation Rise:  1,267'
Descent: 1,203‘
Maximum Elevation: 6,132'

GPS Tracks


We got an earlier start today than the last time we went up to Yosemite with Rose. We stop by her ranch. She will be driving separately from us and we will meet in the Mariposa Grove parking lot. We are not sure of the air quality, but it looks like it may be acceptable.

Creek on Washburn Trail

We get to the parking lot around 9:30 and get ready to hike. I check with a ranger about if the shuttle is running-no. I think she is there in case anybody with a handicap placard comes by.






Rose and Gary following the stones


So by 9:50, we are ready to head on out. The first segment is the Washburn Trail. It runs along the south side of the road up to the actual grove area. The trail has been here for a long while, but really did not see much use before. Now that traffic is restricted to the grove, the trail is more used. And this year with the pandemic going on and the shuttles not running, it is the only way we normal humans can get up there.

The trail retains its relative isolation from the road, but as long as we are on the trail, we meet people coming and going. On one hand, it is good that so many people want to go up to the grove and are willing to work for it. But, just because it is outdoors, in Yosemite, does not mean that they do not need to wear a mask when they are around someone else. Also there is a tendency for me to like to be away from the masses.


Gary, Sherri and Rose, or the three bandits

I can tell we are going uphill. Yes, the familiar refrain of huff and puff and rest starts up. But I am feeling less of this and that is good. Of course, stopping to take pictures often really helps. And there is a lot to stop for. The Autumn colors are beginning. They should be magnificent in a week or so. I could see if the number of people on a Summer day, this trail would not have the attraction it has now-probably hot and dusty and crowded. So I will take how it looks today.

Lunch time snooze

We make it to the plaza at Mariposa Grove. There we seek bodily relief before deciding what to do next. It is a good place just to rest for a few minutes. We discuss where to go and what we are up to. The Grizzly Giant sounds like a good next stop. On the way up, we look at a view things. WIll Dorothy may have followed the yellow brick road, we find a granite ribbon which promptly lead us in a circle, well at least in a scrunched up oblong loop.

After about 20 minutes, we made it to the Grizzly Giant. Now we all have visited the Giant several times and I do not think it has changed much. Confession: It is not my favorite Sequoia. But any Sequoia is impressive. So we look at it in appreciation. A short ways away is the California Tree. It has a tunnel cut from its core, so after waiting for others to take pictures, we walk through and up about a hundred yards. There we find a stump to have lunch on.

Jigsaw Puzzle Piece Tree

I rest a bit, actually close my eyes while laying against a downed log. A feeble attempt at a catnap. I am resting, but awake enough to hear the simulated click of a camera on Sherri’s iPhone. Twenty minutes into a ten minute nap I am ready to go, so are Sherri and Rose.

We continue up the trail until we hit what used to be the road up to the Upper Grove. Now it has been scrapped and I am assuming it will eventually become a path. There are less people and in so many ways, much more picturesque trees. The road goes on a gentle uphill for a ways. We stop often, not from exertion, but to take in the beauty of these Sequoias. Here they are right next to the road and available. There is always the sense of perspective which we can really see when one of us is walking up the road and there is a Sequoia behind them.

We come to the Faithful Couple set of trees. Shortly beyond that is a trail back to the plaza. It has been a good day, so we do not push things. Down the trail we go. But the special thing about this grove is that even beyond the main area, there is so much to take in. We notice that as we descend, there are some changes to the plants, not to the Sequoias. A little ways off the trail, a patch of silver attracts us-it is a pump house which has been wrapped for fire protection.

Permanent Halloween face

 I do not think I have talked about the burns we have seen earlier. It looks like in 2017 there was about 200 acres purposely burnt in a prescribed burn. We see the scaring throughout the area, both lower and upper. Not sure why they felt the need to wrap this pump house. Maybe it was because of some of the other fires which have threatened the area.

Each tree has its own personality and look. Until you see them and look at them in more than a car passing through mode, they look all the same, sort of like when you go to a foreign country. But as you get to know them, they are different. On the way down, we see one tree which definitely has personality. There is a face and we all take turns with naming the face. As we pass by, there is definitely a Halloween face as well.

Now we get down to the plaza. None of us really want to hang out here as we have another two miles to go. But we do enjoy a quick break before moving on. We do not see any signs that say we cannot walk the road. I point out that two of my favorite trees in this grove are down the road a ways. They seem like either greeters to the grove or guardians. But the sight of them has always refreshed my heart. Evidently it does the same for Rose and Sherri. They stop and gawk and take pictures for a while. Then we move on. A couple of vehicles pass us, some Park and some carrying handicap. About halfway down is an outhouse. But more importantly, there is a short trail over to the Washburn Trail. So down we go.

Smoke starting to drift in

Some days the return trip seems so easy and quick. Today, I am ready for this last mile to be over with. I think I am tiring. Still the trip down has a lot to recommend. This takes some of the weariness from my legs. At least the lungs are able to function. When we see an opening to look down towards Fish Camp, we see smoke from our fires drifting up towards the grove. Guess we were fortunate to come when we did.


Pandemic Hug between Sherri and Rose
When we get back to the cars, I do not think any of us are ready to hurry away. Even though it has only been five days since we have hiked together, it was a long time before that since we walked together. Sherri and Rose do a socially distanced hug. Aw, to be doing that closer, we will have to wait.

We leave separately. It is a short ride back to Fresno where we order up something to eat. Showers are always feeling good. Then it is time for House Church.





Extra Photo's

Rose and Sherri close to plaza at Mariposa Grove.


Another socially distanced tree hug by Sherri

Autumn Colors

Grizzly Giant


Majestic Sequoia

Big Tree with a couple truly big trees

Gary shooting Rose


Greeters to Mariposa Grove

Gary and Rose approaching the entrance to Mariposa Grove

Halloween Face

You tell me what face this tree is making

Same tree, different angle

Rose and Gary

Rose and Sherri in awe of a Sequoia


Flowers and Plants


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