Tuesday, August 2, 2022

August 2, 2022 - Eureka

 Title: August 2, 2022 - Eureka


I guess location does not affect the time I wake up. Even David was not up when I moved into the kitchen at 5:45, where I did the lightning report-there were only three strikes. By the time I finished, David was chomping at the bit for a walk-so was I.

I was not feeling very strong, and I know that David is able to out walk me even if I am doing really well. So he chooses a route which allows me to cut out if I want to, without disgrace. But when I get to the various turning points, I am feeling good. So off we go down a steep road, followed by another steep climb out of the ravine. I made it up, huffing and puffing with only a single where I needed to stop.



Blackberry Picking
We get back and it is an hour beyond my normal breakfast time. I gobble down a bowl of granola, and feeling a lot better. And what else do you do when families get together? Talk, of course. And the three of us do that for the next hour or two. David suggests we go out blackberry picking. It is not my usual enjoyable pastime, but I am game and Sherri is excited. There is a park called Redwood Fields, only about a mile away This ia a sports park, but around the edges are some hiking paths and blackberry vines, complete with thorns. It is the vines which are the main attraction for David and Sherri. We circle the fields, pickling berries. David gives us some sage words of advice: the berries should be soft, but not fermenting. Also do not pick the low ones as dogs have been known to use the bushes to deposit their liquids. At the end of our harvesting times, we have a couple containers full of berries-enough so David can make a pie


When we get back to David’s place, it is time for lunch, maybe a bit after time for lunch. For me, it is my traditional sandwich: peanut butter and Nutella. After lunch, I laid down for a short nap. Two hours later, I woke up, very much refreshed. I guess yesterday's driving took more out of me than I thought.

David and his blackberry pie

David suggests a short walk at Sequoia Park. David has pity on us-I think he usually runs down to it and then around the park. We walk around the park for about an hour. The difference between this park and the ones in Fresno is that Eureka's definitely has more topography than the flatness of Fresno. Also, we get to walk through a forest, and close to a duck pond.

By 5:15, we are back at David’s. He has a prime steak dinner with corn and bread for dinner. Not too shabby. That guy does know how to cook. Then to top it off, he has the fresh blackberry pie and vanilla ice cream. Then for after dinner entertainment, we get to watch videos David made of our February Hawaii trip. He has edited and curated the photo’s and videos. Good memories. Even with my two hour nap, I only feel up to taking a shower, and then I am off to bed. Good Night.

Flowers and Plants

Sequoia Park Gardens

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