Thursday, February 2, 2023

February 2, 2023 - North Grove Loop Snowshoe


Title: February 2, 2023 - North Grove Loop Snowshoe

Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo'sFlowers and Plants

Hike Info:

Type: Snowshoeing

Trail head: General Grant Tree Parking Lot

Trail: North Grove Loop

Destination:  Loop

Distance:  2.39 miles

Start Time: 12:56

End Time:     3:59

Travel Time:  3:02 (0.79 mph)

Moving Time:  2:09  (1.11 mph)

Elevation Rise:  512'

Descent: 488‘

Maximum Elevation: 6,373'

GPS Tracks


Sherri getting Steven's snowshoes on
Yesterday I moved dirt for some friends. Today I am feeling pretty drained, but not completely. We considered moving our time outdoors to Friday, but I have an OSHER book club tomorrow. So today it is. We do not leave Fresno until about 11:15. It is a pretty smooth trip up to Grant Grove. We get the the General Grant Tree parking lot a bit after 1pm. It does take us a bit to get ready. But we have about two miles round trip, so we have time.

The first thing we discovered is that I had grabbed Steven’s snowshoes instead of Sherri’s. But she is willing to try to make it work. As a note, tomorrow she will be getting a set of snowshoes just like mine. As we started out, we met a couple from Michigan. They had just completed the North Grove Loop and were in awe of what they saw. And then they wanted more. We suggested Big Stump or Indian Basin. They did ask about Panoramic Point. That is a good view, but it is a six mile walk. Not sure what they will do.





Start of the North Grove Loop
Gary hopping a log
I decided we will do our loop counter-clockwise. In retrospect this may have been a good move. Almost immediately we have our own opportunity to have our own time of awe. No matter how often we see sequoias, they evoke a sense of how great this world is. And today, the redwood of the sequoias seem just that much brighter against the blue sky and white snow.

The problem with this trail is that no matter which way you go, you will always be coming up at the end. But As we went down the northern leg, it is the steeper one. There are many magnificent sequoias. But because it is steeper, the center of the trail has had the snow washed away, leaving a three to four foot ravine. We are constantly finding ways along the snow bank above the dirt. Occasionally I will venture away from the snowbank to find a bit easier way. But Sherri likes to stay with the tried and true.

One of many logs blocking our way

Gary doing his wandering thing

There is one place where the trail is completely washed out. I maneuver around; Sherri thinks she can just continue following the berm until she sees what I see and follows me. There is one small rivulet crossing where we had to go down a small bank and the other side. While not tricky, it is a bit of how to spend the least amount of time in the water.


And now we are at the bottom of the loop and starting to go back up. This is also an area where the
Rough Fire hit particularly hard. Lots of blackened trees. Also many downed logs crossing the trail. Still we are able to get around things good. Both of the water and tree obstacles I am glad we faced going down instead of up. Fortunately it has not snowed in a couple of weeks, so the snow is pretty packed, which makes it easy to maneuver around obstacles.

It is now time to head back uphill. not as many large sequoias and definitely no logs across the path. But we have not had lunch today and so our energy levels are starting to decline as we go up this mile long incline. Still, with the beauty around us, there are many reasons to pause and peruse that which is around us.

We finally made it back to the parking lot at 4pm. It has been a nice walk today. And now it is time to go back down to the Valley. We make it back to our home at 5:30, hungry and content.

Extra Photo's

Sun and Shadow

Sequoia and its burnt companions

Gary dwarfed by a sequoia


Part of a burnt forest

Flowers and Plants

Possibly a winterized elderberry


Pine cone

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