Friday, January 27, 2023

January 27, 2023 - Indian Basin Loop Snowshoe


Title:  January 27, 2023 - Indian Basin Loop Snowshoe

Hike Info:

Type: Snowshoeing

Trail head: Princess Campground Entrance on Highway 180 

Trail: Indian Basin Loop

Destination: Loop

Distance:  1.67 miles

Start Time: 1:29

End Time:  3:32

Travel Time:  2:03 (0.82 mph)

Moving Time:  1:26  (1.17 mph)

Elevation Rise: 231'

Descent: 246‘

Maximum Elevation: 5,968'

GPS Tracks


Today Steven has off, so we will go up to the snow. I am thinking of going towards Big Meadows or Woodward Creek. Both Steven and Sherri are onboard with this-Steven independently suggested it as well.

I got up at my usual time and did a few things. This will not be an intense day, so it is OK to get a late start. And that is what we did. We left about Fresno 11:40-I love that we are that close to my playgrounds. When we got to the Wye, I saw a wall of snow with only a narrow gap, space enough for one car. The gate is closed, so Big Meadow is out of the picture for today. There are several other places we can go, with Korra. We thought about Converse Basin or the Thorpe area. But we decided to see what Indian Basin looked like. We had heard that earlier in the rain storms it had flooded out.



The road down is snow bounded with walls up to six feet high. Parts of the road had snow on it and a little bit of it had ice. Fortunately we have AWD with snow tires so we hold the road pretty well. When we get to the Princess Campground entrance, it is about 1:15. The snow is only about three feet above the roadway. Also it looks pretty good. So we decided to walk the Indian Basin Loop.

Indian Basin Meadow

Korra, the snow dog

Sherri and I will be on snowshoes while Steven decided to slide along on his cross-country skis. And then there is Korra with her snow paws. Already there is a big doggie smile on her face as she gets out into the snow. About 50’ in, there is a gate across the road, but that is nearly buried. Of course, that does not stop us. We continue on down the road, making a left turn to the Indian Basin trailhead. There is an outhouse as well as some semi-buried picnic tables. We have our lunch there.
Sherri navigating the unsnow

And then we are off on the loop. I have done this loop twice in the snow and several times walking it during the last year. So it is a route pretty familiar to me. Still with all of the snow, there are places it is hard to pick out where the path goes. And then again, all through our route, there are places where water has cut through the snow, leaving the bare ground. Go figure. It is just enjoyable being on this path. Plus, it is pretty level. So we walk pretty well, with no issue, except for Steven who has to occasionally unclip and walk across bare spots.

One of the pleasures of this trail is the wide and long meadow. We can look down it, and across the Kings to the snow covered Wren Peak. Such a great sight. While the temp is cool, we are either moving enough or in the sun so we feel warm-not warm enough for shorts and a T-shirt, but feeling comfortable.

Before we know it, we are back at the trailhead. Steven ski’s on with Korra, while Sherri and I plod on our snowshoes. We considered going up into the campsites, but decided to save it for another time. By the time we get back to the car, it is 3:30. A good, but short time in the snow.

We travel directly back to Fresno getting back a bit after 5pm, in the rush hour traffic.

Extra Photo's

Korra, the snow dog

Snow covered bridge


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