Friday, September 22, 2023

September 22, 2023 - Park Ridge Lookout


Title:  September 22, 2023 - Park Ridge Lookout
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's

Hike Info:
Type: Lookout

Morning is breaking in the Sierra
It was cold last night. I did manage to keep warm enough, but I kept warm enough, as long as I did not turn over or have to put my arms out. I slept through this, but my phone said I got a call at 0522 from Progressive Insurance. This was about an accident last June where I got rear-ended. But I did wake up shortly afterwards and checked to see if there was any lightning in my reporting area. There was none, so I kept in my warm sleeping bag and slept a bit more.



Redwood Fire Smoke around Big Baldy
I finally got up around 0645 and got things organized for the day. I checked a thermometer which said it was 42o inside of the cab. I guess it could be colder. After getting dressed, I went down and put on my hiking boots. Ever since being up here last July and seeing the two hotshots charge up the side of the slope on the west side of the tower, I have wondered about “is this something which mere mortals could do?” So I went down the ridge which leads up to Park Ridge Lookout. While it is doable, as I did it, it is nothing I would want to scamper down in a hurry. It slopes down rather sharply. I got to a rock outcropping and decided that was far enough. Going up seemed safer, but I was definitely huffing and puffing.

Delilah Lookout
I then went over to the south side and went to the flat area there. I visited the old outhouse-there is several reasons why it is unused. The smoke from the Redwood Fire was filling the area behind Big Baldy, making it really a tranquil view-not sure that you can breath tranquility though. I saw a couple of young deer across a ravine and made my way in that direction, well after the deer was gone. That brought me to the service road where the Park Ridge Trail comes in and I headed back. I got into the cab about 0840.

I had my breakfast, changed into a fresher shirt and then took the weather. After yesterday being in a cloud, I was bit shocked. The relative humidity (RH) was 14%-that is low. I looked at the RAWS station next to the lookout and it had 8%. It looked like for the past couple of hours the humidity had been decreasing. At 0903, SEKI Dispatch issued another Bolo-I now know what that was and paid attention. I was not sure if it was the same as last night or not.

I go into service after
Delilah at 0929 with an RH 14 and smoke south of Big Baldy. And then it is the normal business of being a fire lookout. I am actually able to do scans today. By 1000 I have done more than I did all day yesterday. The smoke from the Redwood Fire is starting to drift my way more as I am seeing hints of it in Redwood Canyon.

I have visitors from Washington, Wisconsin and Texas today. Each are interested in various aspects of lookouts, particularly the smoke we are seeing. Not much more is unusual. So I have my lunch at 1230.

While doing a scan around 1300, I start hearing a helicopter. At first I cannot locate it, but then I see it west of me, circling what looks like the Happy Gap area, above Sequoia Lake. The Park radio starts to talk about a car which drove through and I thought on the way out of the Park. Law Enforcement is sent there. Then the radio channel we use to communicate on goes to restricted to emergency use only. A few minutes later the restriction is taken off and the person who they were looking for is apprehended. Apparently this is connected with the Bolo from this morning. I had alerted Delilah and Wendy to what was going on.

For the next two hours I am just doing lookout stuff. The smoke is mostly below me, so it hampers me seeing anything. I get one lady from New York who is just thrilled to see all which the Parks have to offer. She sounds like she is not letting the smoke or the road being closed to Cedar Grove stop her enjoyment. She says it just gives her a reason to come back again. I like that way of thinking. But at least I am not breathing too much of it. As 1800 rolls around, Delilah goes out of service, then I do. Buck Rock is last. The radios get shut off and I enjoy a bit of quiet.

Also I enjoy my dinner. It is the second night of quiche and a biscuit. Then I go out for a walk. The outside is getting cool and a little bit of a wind. The sunset is really good. Lots of oranges with the darkness of clouds. It is good. Jeff at Delilah and I have a text discussion on it and a few other items. I guess he is up there by himself like I am.


And now it is 2000. Time for my evening talk with Sherri now that she has finished watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. Then it is time for me to go to bed.


Extra Photo's

Park Ridge Lookout at Dusk

Setting Sun

Sunset reflection on Big Baldy


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