Friday, September 29, 2023

September 29, 2023 - Wawona Meadow and Full Moon


Title: September 29, 2023 - Wawona Meadow and Full Moon
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants
Hike Info:

Type: Hiking : Car

Trail head: Wawona Hotel

Trail: Wawona Meadow

Destination: Loop

Distance:  3.75 miles

Start Time: 4:26

End Time:   6:45

Travel Time:  2:00  (1.87 mph)

Moving Time: 1:47   (2.10 mph)

Elevation Rise: 454'

Descent: 442‘

Maximum Elevation: 4,228'

GPS Tracks


Wawona Golf Course
We thought of going on a hike on Thursday, but we got tied up. Also if we did it Friday, then Steven and Korra could go with us. So that settles things for us. I did my normal lightning stuff in the morning and continued to clean off my desk. Basically I doddle most of the day. We took off towards Yosemite with the idea of catching the full moon. But the forecast calls for the skies to be cloudy so that may not happen. Still we can walk with Korra around Wawona Meadow and see what the skies look like after that.






I drove and we observed the clouds forming to the north and east. By the time we get to Wawona, it is 4pm. Of course, it takes us a few minutes to get ready for our walk. And also of course, Korra is all excited for this adventure. The skies are getting cloudy, but we are not too concerned with a chance of rain. I do have my rain jacket, just as a precaution. Then again, I almost always carry it.

In some ways, this walk around Wawona Loop is about the same distance as a full walk around my neighborhood. A bit more scenic-my neighborhood is not bad. We have walked this loop so many times it is easy to get lulled into thinking I have seen it all before and not really look at what we are walking. Today is not a spectacular day, so I need to remind myself to keep my eyes open. I try to keep my head on a bit of a swivel, looking around.


Unnamed Creek
Do I see anything? Well yes. It primarily comes in two forms: color and clouds. I think this is a “C” trip. It is not yet deep Fall at 4,000’. The grasses and shrubbery has turned a bit of color, but hardly any tree leaves. Yet the color of straw in the meadow contrasts with the green of the golf course and trees. Some trees will never turn-the conifers. The contrasts do provide a hint of what is to come. Then the clouds give a good offset to the normal blue skies. Especially as the sun sets and the skies slowly turn a bit of red and purple. This is not a fiery show, more of subdued like today is.



Sherri crossing the creek


With the skies being cloudy, chances are the full moon scheduled for tonight will be a bit gloomy, if you will. But we decided to go to
Glacier Point anyway. The Park has revamped the road and we are interested in seeing it. So we load up and ride on over there. Gone are the potholes and bumps which have characterized this road. Part of the project was to make it so the buses would have an easier time on the section close to Washburn Point. While it should make it easier for them as the horseshoe turns seem wider than before, they still will block both lanes.



More Wawona Meadow

We stopped at Washburn Point and were the only ones there. All is black, except for a few lights-some in Little Yosemite Valley down past Vernal Falls. They might be Half Dome hikers Besides that, not too much to see with the clouds blocking the moon.






Steven and Korra

Then we stopped at Glacier Point. Now there are a few breaks in the clouds, letting a bit of moonlight through. Half Dome is visible along with the outlines of some of the granite formations. Still pretty dark. It is a bit cool. We looked for about 15 minutes. Steven’s tripod is acting up, so all of our shots were hand-held. I left my small tripod in the car. 




Moon playing hide and seek





With that, we travel back to Fresno with Steven driving. There is a quick stop at Carl’s Jr in Oakhurst where we picked up some burgers. By the time we got back to Fresno, it was closing in on 10:30. I am tired. All which I can do is unload the car and dump myself into bed. Glad we did it, even if the full moon was not cooperating.

Extra Photo's

Half Dome at Night

Wawona Meadow at Dusk

Wawona Meadow and Dome

Wawona Meadow and Dome

Devil's Peak with Signal on top of it on the left

Moon trying to break through

Half Dome in the Night Sky

Moon hiding behind some trees

Flowers and Plants


Maybe Rubber Rabbitbush

Speculation has it as being an apple


Mountain Dogwood

Mountain Dogwood





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