Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024 - Weaver Lake from Fox Meadow Trailhead


Title: August 26, 2024 - Weaver Lake from Fox Meadow Trailhead
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking

Trail head: Fox Meadow Trailhead

Trail: Weaver Lake

Destination:  Weaver Lake

Distance:  4.12 miles 

Start Time: 11:26

End Time:    4:00

Travel Time: 4:34  (0.90 mph)

Moving Time: 2:38   (1.56 mph)

Elevation Rise:  905'

Descent: 905‘

Maximum Elevation: 8,756'

GPS Tracks


I got up at 5:30 and noted that there was no lightning to report. Then I spent the next couple of hours doing a few misc things. Such as there seems to be an issue when a person sends an email with an attachment to an AT&T address, such as when the Buck Rock people do that. So I spent half an hour explaining the issue. AT&T support then elevated the issue and said that I would hear back from them.

We also went to the church and dropped off some gift cards. And this was the root of a conflict this morning. One interpretation was that I was to drop off the cards and return; the other was that we would drop off the cards on the way to the trailhead. We ended up doing the latter, about 9:30, an hour later than anticipated. Which was the right interpretation? We will never know.

I drove on the way up and there were no real issues except for an occasional slow driver. When we entered the Park, I asked the ranger about our entry Friday. His reply was to come in early as it would be the start of the Labor Day weekend. We continue on towards Big Meadows, stopping at the snow trailhead for use of the bathroom.



Sherri almost to lake
Usually we will start at the Big Meadows Trailhead, but there is a second one at Fox Meadow. This is both a bit higher and takes off about a mile and a half from the trail. Given our late start, we opt for Fox Meadow. The one drawback of Fox Meadow, besides the fact we shortchanged ourselves of some of the trail, is the road. The road is 14S16 which gives you the idea it is a Forest Service road and non-paved. It is a bit rocky and rutted from some runoff. So we get jostled around, but nothing more than our Highlander is OK with.

Steven's Hammock

Gary Resting

Our boots touch the ground at 11:30.It is a short couple hundred yards walk till we meet the trail to Weaver Lake. This is a trail we have been on many a time. So the trail is not new to us. Last time we were on this trail, it was 112 in the Valley and very hot up here. We stopped at the creek which feeds Fox Meadow for lunch around noon. This is the same creek last time Sherri stopped here and thought it best not to go on. But today we all go on.

After our 12:00 lunch, we continue on. There is a good exposed rise out of this creek. But once we complete this rise, it is more rolling over ridges and down to creeks. Steven and Korra have gone ahead. When Sherri and I get to Weaver Lake, about 1:30, Steven has already set up a hammock and is wading in the lake. Korra does not seem as sure about going out into the water, but eventually does join Steven.

Sherri and Gary
Sherri and I stay on land and enjoy the beauty of the lake. Being in the shade is a bit cool with the breeze blowing through. But when in the sun, it is warm with the ultraviolet rays being able to penetrate in the sun.

We must have been a bit tired as we just enjoyed the rest for an hour. At 2:30, we start our trip back. Going down the hill is a lot easier than the inbound trip. Sherri and I leave a few minutes before Steven, but he quickly catches up and passes us, getting to the car before us. Sherri and I arrive at 4.

Steven drives us back to Fresno, That road down from the trailhead, the one I took my time, Steven makes it look easy, and it certainly seemed quicker with him driving. Once in Fresno, we get cleaned up and then go to Red Robin for dinner. By the time we finished, we all felt content.

Extra Photo's

Sherri passing by Fox Meadow

Steven in Weaver Lake

Weaver Lake

Korra on Watch

Squirrel Alert

Sherri and Steven on way back to car

Fox Meadow

Flowers and Plants




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