Wednesday, November 6, 2024

November 6, 2024 - Yosemite Valley


Title: November 6, 2024 - Yosemite Valley
Hike Info : Description : Background : Extra Photo's : Animals : Flowers and Plants

Hike Info:

Type: Hiking :

Trail head: Curry Village Parking Area

Trail: Valley Loop Trail, Mirror Lake Trail and a few others

Destination: None

Actual Destination: Ahwahnee Hotel 

Distance:  5.74 miles 

Start Time: 10:56

End Time:    3:23

Travel Time: 4:27  (1.29 mph)

Moving Time: 3:33   (1.62 mph)

Elevation Rise:  616'

Descent: 691‘

Maximum Elevation:4,192'

GPS Tracks


Start of our Walk
I got up at 5:30. Trump won. Sherri got up at 7. We left Fresno 8:20, a bit despondent, maybe more than a bit, with me driving. Sherri wanted to stop at Judy’s Donuts, but good me as I am, we were just passing by it as she indicated this. As we looked at Judy’s through the rear window, Sherri said to keep driving. At the Park entrance, the entrance station person chats with me for a few seconds and notes that she likes my beard. Our next stop was at Glacier Point Road for a break. We arrived at Camp Curry 10:40./

Wood Rat
Sherri and I started hiking at about 11. We walked through Curry Village to the backpacker's parking lot. Then picked up a trail, away from the road. It is peaceful back here. With the trees changing colors, I am filled with the joy of Creation. Muir said something like this: Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. With the Trump victory yesterday, this experience or joy is a bit jarring. But joy wins out here-at least for awhile. I think happiness it is not. Happiness seems like it is an emotional response to something. While I think joy is something deeper. First, from a negative, I would not have responded to Trump’s victory with joy-maybe anger, depression or disbelief, but not joy. I am wondering if joy is the response to beauty? Or is this something even deeper than that? Maybe the closer we are to the Creator we can get a residual of this deep touch.

 Back to the trail. We go a little ways on it when we are joined by a hoard of school children. Not sure whom they are with. I was talking with someone and they said school age kids were being sponsored by the Sierra Club and another organization. They look like they are enjoying themselves and are well-behaved. And yet, it is a bit jarring seeing them along this rarely used trail. Still, I am glad I am seeing them there, soaking in the Valley and its wonders.

We get to
Happy Isles and only stop long enough to use the restroom-who know when the next one will be. After crossing the Happy Isles Bridge, we hop on the Valley Loop trail. The trail follows the road, but with only the trams and bicycles on it, we rarely hear it. But what we do start to see is an abundance of Fall colors. When we get to the Tenaya Bridge, we usually go up Tenaya Creek to the end of the trail. But we need to make use of an outhouse on the road to Mirror Lake. So we went up the road. I see an area which is completely enclosed by trees turning color. Mesmerizing.

Sherri on way to Mirror
After walking the road for a ways-to the outhouse--we turn and find the horse trail or Vslley LoopTrail up to Mirror Lake. It is a lot easier going the other way, down. Still we climb and enjoy the hike. It is a bit rocky. We meet only a few people going this way while the road has a number of people who are looking for the mirror-sort of like Taran in Lloyd Alexander’s Taran Wanderer
Ahwiyah Point
. The mirror will not be found today. But you will need to wait a paragraph or two to find this out. There are two young men who work for the concessions which we meet. They are appreciative of a few points which I can name.

By now it is 1:00 and we are ready for lunch. There is a nice area to eat which can be beside the water-no water today. Still there is enough of the Autumn environment to enjoy the surroundings. Normally when going to Mirror Lake, we would go up the canyon and loop back around Tenaya Creek. But calculating our rate of travel and the distance says this would not be a good idea. We would be coming in the dark. But as an alternative, Sherri suggests we walk on Mirror Lake. While the idea of walking on water appeals to me, it is not to be so. The Lake is dry with not even the creek running through it. We cross over to the the trail back to where we left it-we have done a loop.


Lunch Time
We decided to go along Tenaya Creek for a way. There is water in it! Where did it get the water after being dry at Mirror Lake? Something to investigate on another day. We follow the trail until it hits the Merced. Then go down the Merced. We visited the Upper Pines Campground and its bathrooms. We feel like hiking some more and end up at the Ahwahnee. There we treat ourselves to an ice cream sandwich-with it being so cold, why? But it felt so good, it was right. We also talked to a couple who had visited the park several times before and were looking for places to go. I do not think I added too much to the collective knowledge.

At this point, we decided that the two plus miles back to the car was not in the cards. So we hopped on the tram at the Ahwahnee. Evidently the tram has changed its routes. This one takes us all the way down to
El Capitan before coming back up the Southside Drive. Eventually we get back to Camp Curry and get let out there with a school group.That book ends our hike, I guess.

Where to Walk on Water-Mirror Lake in the Fall

The eternal question then is, where do we want to eat? We have been to El Cid the last two times and going to Southgate without Steven just does not seem right. So Sherri searches for a place and comes up with a place which is in where DiCicco;s used to be. Mountain Oaks Cafe is a place specializing in large quantity foods. I would say the food is good and hearty. I had a pastrami burger which was more than I wanted to eat. After dinner, it is home. But first we stop at REI to get a few things. Then it is home by 8:00pm. I am one tired puppy and am glad to take a shower.


John Muir Quote: Our National Parks, 1901, page 56.

Extra Photo's

Washington Column and Tenaya Creek

Looking towards Yosemite Falls

North Dome from Mirror Lake

Half Dome From Mirror Lake

Tenaya Bridge

Valley Loop Trail


Two rats face off

Sherri climbing steps


Autumn on Tenaya Bridge





South Fork of the Merced


Flowers and Plants
