Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sept 12, 2021 - Day Six-Moving Camp to Colter Bay


Title: Sept 12, 2021 - Day Six-Moving Camp to Colter Bay
Hike Info : Description Extra Photo's : Animals

Trail head:Gros Ventre Campground
Hike Info:


COOOOLD! Sherri says it's 37. I wake up after 6 and see no lightning in my area of the Sierra (we are in the Grand Teton). I am glad there is none both from the standpoint of the forest-two fires have broken out-and I. was wondering how I was going to do it in the cold. 



I stay in my sleeping bag for another 45 minutes after looking at the lightning activity until my body says to get up. After I take care of my body, I start repacking the car-this seems like almost a daily occurance. But today we are moving from Gros Ventre to Colter Bay this morning. Sherri gets up shortly afterwards. We finished breaking down camp, then headed over to Andrea and Lawrence’s place.

It is Andrea's Birthday today! Happy Birthday Andrea. This is the big reason why Sherri and I came up here (also this is an area we wanted to see.) French toast for breakfast. Then we finished packing their campsite. It is a little after 10 when we leave.

We talked about the route up to
Colter Bay. There is the straightforward route of going back to Highway 26 and following that. Or we can go the more rural route. This consists of going further east up Gros Ventre Rd and swinging around the Mormon Row/Mouton Barn area. That is our way. We talked about going towards Lower Slide Lake. There was a recommendation for it in a book I have been looking at, but there is the issue of getting Samwise, the trailer, up it, so we decided not to.


Turnout at border of the National Forest

We take off with Samwise in the lead. The mountains to the west. including the Grand Teton is stunning to look at. I signal for Lawrence to pull over at a turnout. Many pictures are taken. Andrea and Sherri notice several cars have turned up the road to Lower Slide Lake. So maybe there is something up there. We clear room in our car and leave Samwise and Lawrence's Subaru at the turn out. 


When we get on the road up to Lower Slide Lake, we understand the attraction. It is a spectacular drive. The Gros Ventre River has cut a channel through the mountains. So we rise up pretty good-the first part of the drive is on pavement, which quickly changes to dirt, but pretty well graded. But the real eye-catcher is the trees with its greens turning to yellow colors. It is worthwhile traveling up the road just for that.

Lower Slide Lake
We stopped at one turn out, which is a place which has the name of Wedding Tree. We take the path over to it, maybe about 200 yards. Here the canyon falls away giving an iconic view of the Tetons. Literally breathtaking. I can see why you would want a wedding done here. Beauty all around. Then onward to Lower Slide Lake. You can almost say, you have seen one deep blue lake and you have seen them all. But like a diamond in a setting, each has its own beauty which one can assess only on its own merits. We spend about 15 minutes here, before moving on. Lawrence has spotted a bear on the western end of the lake. So we are all eyes on it, as well as binoculars.

Pronghorn Antelope

We return back to SamWise, all secure and ready to go. Our next stop is the
Moulton Barns, or sometimes on the maps called the Mormon Bar area. But before we get there, Sherri spots a pronghorn antelope. We are able to stop and watch-but Andrea and Lawrence missed it.




Moulton Barn in front of the Tetons

There is a settlement to the south of the road, but we walk over to the ones on the northside. Not only are there the two barns, but also some housing. These buildings look newer than the
Cunningham cabin we saw yesterday. My guess is that these were working farms until a little while ago. Particularly when there is electrical wire on the inside of the building. I do not think I do these barns justice. They are an interesting contrast with the Tetons in back, the flat valley surrounding them and the image of human presence and drive to tame where he is. We look around and wonder.





View of Mount Moran from OxBow Bend

Back at the vehicles, we have a quick lunch. Afterwards we head to Highway 29 and go north. We make a stop: Oxbow Bend. This is the site of a famous
Ansel Adams picture. He took his in the early morning light and now it is early afternoon, so there will not be the shadows which makes his images so startling. Mine will be more flat with less depth. Still it is a beautiful point to see the Snake River pointing at the Tetons.


Gary at rest

We pile into our cars and go to our campsite at Colter Bay. Andrea has reserved the site, so we just go in without a problem. We set up our tent while SamWise is opened up and got ready for our stay. The campsite is pretty flat with grasses behind our tent. Separating us from the camps on each site are some trees. So while not isolated, we do feel a measure of privacy. It also helps that throughout our three night stay our neighbors are quiet.

Andrea and I set out hammocks and take an hour’s rest in them. Apparently Lawrence has much more energy as he walks to the village on a mission of reconnaissance. When he comes back, he reports on the laundry and shower situation.

We have dinner, then get our clothing ready to be washed. We decided that we would hit the showers first thing in the morning. While the clothes are being washed, we scarf up the Wifi. That is one thing our campsite lacks or maybe it is a blessing-cell phone connection. So we take advantage of the airwaves while we wait.

After we get back, I separate and fold our clothes, while others get our camp ready for the night. We go to bed, snuggle down and fall asleep soon afterwards.

Extra Photo's

The Wedding Tree

View from the Wedding Tree

Andrea and Lawrence looking for a new scene at the Wedding Tree

Turnout at the National Forest border-across the fence is private property

Turnout where we left Samwise

Lawrence, Andrea, Sherri and Gary at the turnout

Morning shot of Mount Moran

Lower Slide Lake

Lower Slide Lake

Moulton Barn with the Tetons in the background

Moulton Barn with the Tetons in the background

View of Mount Moran from Oxbow Bend

View of Mount Moran from Oxbow Bend


Pronghorn Antelope

Our camp dear at Colter Bay Campground

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